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  • Gaspar

    Gaspar - 2014-02-27

    Hello, Thanks for the program, I have a problem, the program detects any face.

    • macdonaldgeek

      macdonaldgeek - 2014-02-27

      Hi Gaspar,

      Thanks for showing interest on FaceAccess. Make sure you've built the program properly from NetBeans IDE 7.0 and the database has been imported as specified in the given installation instructions.

      You can decide to remove all records from the installed database and start from fresh. But this will deny you access into the system from system start-up. If you do remove all records from the database, then you'll have to run the specific modules from within the project files in the NetBeans IDE. For instance, which you will use to add a new user account for the system; which you will use to enroll your face samples for the purpose of recognition and auto recognition methods.

      If you leave the records intact, you can just login normally first using any administrator's account (has a UserLevel 1). After login, you can then create your own account from within the system hence enroll your face samples and perform other tasks. But the above is the better option than this one.

      If you've done all the above already and you're still experiencing that the program detects any face, it comes to how you enroll your face samples. FaceAccess utilizes more of EigenFace algorithm hence the more the face samples you give to it, the more it will match you better and discriminate properly. Make sure when you enroll your face samples, you do it in different environment conditions such as different lightning, face angles, as well as face gestures. The more the samples you provide to the system, the more it will know you as you better!!! hence recognize only you and not somebody else who is not part of the system.

      I hope the above answers everything, if you still need any more help, please do write back. And please don't forget to comment, recommend, rate, and support the project in whatever way that you feel deserving.

      Thanks again for trying:), macdonaldgeek

  • Gaspar

    Gaspar - 2014-03-07

    hello again, I'm back to try the software but I still appreciate any face, step I follow are: 1. Login as administrator 2. create a user accountmanager 3. leave the session 4. login with user created, using my user name and password to access the new user 5. enroll my face. Is that correct?

    • macdonaldgeek

      macdonaldgeek - 2014-03-08

      Hi Gaspar! Thanks for the feedback. All the steps that you mentioned are correct. But have you done the following as according to my post above:

      "If you've done all the above already and you're still experiencing that the program detects any face, it comes to how you enroll your face samples. FaceAccess utilizes more of EigenFace algorithm hence the more the face samples you give to it, the more it will match you better and discriminate properly. Make sure when you enroll your face samples, you do it in different environment conditions such as different lightning, face angles, as well as face gestures. The more the samples you provide to the system, the more it will know you as you better!!! hence recognize only you and not somebody else who is not part of the system."

      NOTE: And make sure after enrollment, you train FaceAccess to recognize your face. Press the "Train FaceAccess" button after your face samples have been captured.

      If you're still experiencing problems with detection and recognition, try this procedure as posted above:

      "You can decide to remove all records from the installed database and start from fresh. But this will deny you access into the system from system start-up. If you do remove all records from the database, then you'll have to run the specific modules from within the project files in the NetBeans IDE. For instance, which you will use to add a new user account for the system; which you will use to enroll your face samples for the purpose of recognition and auto recognition methods."

      Thanks again for trying FaceAccess. Please write back in-case of any more queries or good feedback.


  • Diego Ferando Martinez Cuenca

    Hi friend.. I want to know what version of OpenCV that are you using in this project.. and what is the library's name that solve this problem "import com.sun.image.codec.jpeg.*;".. thanks for your attention.

    • macdonaldgeek

      macdonaldgeek - 2015-05-22

      Hi Diego,
      The system comes bundled with all the libraries you need. No additional libraries are required or will be asked from you by the system or NetBeans. The system uses JavaCV where the necessary libraries are provided in the lib folder. The mentioned library's name is as it is "com.sun.image.codec.jpeg", an image processing library for jpeg images. If you're having missing dependencies issues, point your project to the lib folder or to the necessary library that is missing. But if you open the project in netbeans normally, it shouldn't bring you any problem.

      Thanks for showing interest on FaceAccess. If you have any other query, don't hesitate to ask.

      PS: I'm currently working on a more portable version of FaceAccess, it won't require expert knowledge to setup and will work out-of-the-box. Stay tuned.


  • macdonaldgeek

    macdonaldgeek - 2015-05-22

    Important update concerning installation of FaceAccess

    There is one step in the installation instructions that I forgot to lay out that is very crucial for the system to function as expected.

    INSTALLATION (Format in Word Wrap for better viewing)

    i. Create a database called faceaccess in phpmyadmin.
    ii. Import this database dump (faceaccess.sql) into the database just created.
    iii. Do these steps before starting using the system in its binary form or testing the source code.
    iv. The source code has been tested with Netbeans 7.0 with the necessary libraries put in place. If you're planning to use the source code, please ensure you have Netbeans 7.0 installed and add all the required libraries (.jar files) into your project (if they don't add themselves). It has not been tested in other Netbeans versions therefore might not work even though probably it might work.
    v. The source code is not easy to understand for a new-bie so therefore it should be used by an advanced Java Programmer in order to get it fully functional and to add your own features or to tweak the code and make it even better with better and latest libraries.
    vi. The binary and the source code as given do not guarantee they will work in your system so therefore utilize your skills well and dedicate enough time to make them work. They will actually work eventually because they work for me :)
    vii. Goodluck and if you're having technical problems with the system, please use the Wiki so that I can provide an urgent response.
    viii. Thanks again for trying FaceAccess and please do support the project in whatever way you can. Thanks again.

    PS: The binary version won't work at first until you build the system and run it directly from NetBeans. Create your admin account using AccountsManagement module from within Netbeans. Then start FaceAccess by running the project. Login normally with username and password you created. Only an admin can create user accounts and enroll faces into FaceAccess. Before enrolling your face into FaceAccess, search your record using AccountsManagement. This triggers FaceEnrolment to recognize the next user to be enrolled.

    It is somehow confusing at the moment but I'm working on a friendly version of FaceAccess that will work out-of-the-box. Please stay tuned.


  • Diego Ferando Martinez Cuenca

    Hi friend.. sorry but i have this exception when the program try to load the camera.

    Using cache: eigen.cache
    Number of eigenfaces: 22
    Starting OpenCV...

    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\Homenet\AppData\Local\Temp\jniopencv_core5865324109593798251.dll: Can't find dependent libraries

    in this line..

    // preload the opencv_objdetect module to work around a known bug

    do you know something about...

    Thanks again for your help.

    • macdonaldgeek

      macdonaldgeek - 2015-06-04

      Hi Diego. Thanks for your query. Please answer the following for me first:

      i. Are you running FaceAccess from source code or as a binary?
      ii. If from source code, are you using NetBeans to do so?
      iii. If you're using NetBeans, under the FaceAccess project explorer, have you added all the libraries from the "lib" folder?

  • Diego Ferando Martinez Cuenca

    i. I am running a source code.
    ii. I am using NetBeans 7.0
    iii. I added all libraries provided in lib's folder.
    As you can see here.. Please ckeck it.

    Note: Previusly i runned the database`s scribd.

    Thanks again for you help.

  • Diego Ferando Martinez Cuenca

    i. I am running a source code.
    ii. I am using NetBeans 7.0
    iii. I added all libraries provided in lib's folder.
    As you can see here.. Please ckeck it.

    Note: Previusly i runned the database`s scribd.

    Thanks again for you help.

    • macdonaldgeek

      macdonaldgeek - 2015-06-07

      Hi Diego!

      Thanks for your response. Now I get where the problem is. If you refer to my update installation instructions ( which by the way are not that straight forward, you will know that it is not as easy to run it just from main.

      As I said in the updated notes, you have to setup an admin account first before using Facial Recognition to login or do anything else for that matter! Therefore from source code, run AccountsManagement module. Make sure you have already setup the MySQL database in your Database Management System of choice. From AccountsManagement, create an administrator account. Use this account to login normally into FaceAccess. Don't use Face Recognition yet! You haven't even setup FaceAccess to recognize you in the first place! you see!

      Once you login normally using your generated ID/Username and password, navigate to Accounts Management, search for your ID, if your record does exist, your details will be displayed. Close Accounts Management, then navigate to Face Enrollment to enroll your face for Face Recognition. Just follow the buttons flow and the instructions until this is done. Log out/Restart/Exit from FaceAccess to try to login with Face Recognition.

      If you follow the above instructions, you won't experience any more errors. If you're stuck anywhere else, please don't hesitate to ask. And if you need help to modify FaceAccess for something else, do ask.


      • macdonaldgeek

        macdonaldgeek - 2015-06-07

        Also one other thing. Make sure you're running a 32bit version of JRE 1.6 at least. A 64bit version does not work with FaceAccess.

        • macdonaldgeek

          macdonaldgeek - 2015-06-10

          Get the latest release. A lot has been improved from the previous one.

  • mirza ehtisham danish

    HI macdonaldgeek!

    I'M trying to run you source code from couple of days, but I'M still facing the same issue above mention by Mr. Diego Ferando Martinez Cuenca

    Using cache: eigen.cache
    Number of eigenfaces: 22
    Starting OpenCV...
    Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: C:\Users\Homenet\AppData\Local\Temp\jniopencv_core5865324109593798251.dll: Can't find dependent libraries
    in this line..
    // preload the opencv_objdetect module to work around a known bug
    do you know something about...

    Could you please share your experience with me?


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