
EZyourASP / News: Recent posts

Just Released EzYourASP 4.0

EzYourASP is the best WEBSITE Editor/IDE under windows to work with ASP,HTML,PHP,SQL,CSS,JS,VBS,ETC.

It offers a bunch of tools which allow you to work easier and faster on your everyday work. Here is a short overview of its features: Syntax Highlighting, Code Insight, DataBase wizard, DomWalker, ProjectManager,
HTMLExporter, Instantly creates ASP pages from a database, ASP ANd PHP Debugger, Database browser build in so no need to switch between your database program and your editor. It Should be like the swiss army knife for webdesigners.
Next release will have some common java scripts build in. This way creating a menu will be easyer then you have ever done before. next release date 1-1-2005

Posted by EZYOURASP 2004-11-16

EzyourASP is an webbased editor

EzyourASP is an webbased editor, and Database application -and possibly others- browser, and ftp client, willing to be the swiss army knife of a web developer. its main idea is to help to the developer, and make his/her life easier...

Posted by EZYOURASP 2004-07-08

EzyourASP is an webbased editor

EzyourASP is an webbased editor, and Database application -and possibly others- browser, and ftp client, willing to be the swiss army knife of a web developer. its main idea is to help to the developer, and make his/her life easier...

Posted by EZYOURASP 2004-07-08

It's more then an editor!

The name of the program should be changed cause it is not just an ASP editor you can also use it for your PHP web or just plain html it has a projectexplorer build in to the program so you can browse files in your project really easy. It has a complete new design And in the next version you will be able to skin ezyourasp in five different syles. e.g. Apple,XPBleu,XPGrey,XPGreen,and more...
So EzYourASP will not only make your webmanagment a lot easyer it will also look nicer ;)
July 4th is the next release (yep on the same day as 9-11 - micheal moore)

Posted by EZYOURASP 2004-06-22

It's here Ver 2.0 of Ezyourasp in English

Welcome to EZYourASP
It's here Ver 2.0 of Ezyourasp in English
The main goal of the program is to help you create active server pages with as little effort possible ( that's what people want ;). Because we have the knowledge we can offer it to you so you can use it and that way you will get the page you need. EzyourASP is a FREE SourceCode editor with syntax highlighting. with the following options:
-colourise the user defined words.
-You can print your source code in color
(or whatever you want) if you have a color printer (WYSIWYG).
-Furthermore, EZYourASP have the multi-view feature, that allows user to edit Two different documents in the same time,
and even to edit the same document synchronizely in 2 different views.
With all the functionalities of frontpage, Access, Exel(coming)

Posted by EZYOURASP 2004-06-12