
New load of features for next release

We can assure you that the security module is our top priority at the moment, but you may also be interested in what other development is going on in ezQuake these days. New features are mostly those small and nifty ones which some of you would die for.

Namely MVD autotrack (!), MVD powerup cameras, MVD stats, TCL support, new window caption with server status (players, map, prewar/game mode), new scripting commands, userdir, download speed-o-meter, customizable gameclock, QuakeTV support (!), colored messages, f_demostart and f_demoend triggers, automated variables help display, link files, better message triggers, many code cleanups, ...

This is the very first news post we've made. You can use ezQuake news RSS feed too.
We'll keep publishing news here in some important ezQuake related occasions. So stay tuned.

Posted by JohnNy_cz 2006-01-30

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