
EZMorph 1.0 released

Dear Open Source Community,
I'm pleased to announce that EZMorph version 1.0 has been released.

EZMorph is simple java library for transforming an Object to another Object.

+ Additions
1632806. Added BeanMorpher, can morph from JavaBean to any JavaBean/DynaBean.
1632805. Added MorphDynaClass & MorhDynaBean (from Json-lib).

+ Updates
Removed duplicate code from net.sf.exmorph.object Morphers.
Updated the javadocs.
Updated the tests (98% code coverage).
All Morphers are now final.

+ Fixes
1632689. ClassMorpher does not morph a Class value.

Posted by aalmiray 2007-01-12

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