
#105 Off-hand damage


Not sure if this is actually a bug, so I put it inot feature requests.

Items that equip to the off-hand and have weapon codes (spiked shield, main gauche) don't do any damage unless equipped to the main hand.

A spiked shield held in the main hand WILL do damage though.

I'm trying to add dual wield capabilities to single handed swords, the paperdoll's are easy to tweak, but the weapon does no damage.


  • Marzo Sette Torres Junior

    This is by design, as the original didn't have dual-wield capabilities and weapons in the off-hand didn't cause any damage. There was a time when Exult also used the weapon in the off-hand, but people complained about it and it was removed; I don't think adding it back would be a good idea.

  • Malignant Manor

    Malignant Manor - 2009-05-30

    Having it be optional would be nice and adds to the support for mods and new games.

    Aesthetically, this is an issue because of the following:

    Weapons only show when in the left hand. Weapon animations are for the main weapon only and a second animations might not fit with the current attack speed (but delaying til at lease the animation ceases would still benefit dual wielding.) I guess character frames 32+ could have flipped attack animations or have the engine do it. Frame 24-27 of thrown weapons and 5-8 of other weapons could be the offhand display. Maybe (and probably better) just add an optional second offset setting with possible mirroring for frames . Spell books being an exception.

    If you do that, then shield displaying wouldn't be much more of an issue.

  • Lathlas

    Lathlas - 2009-05-31

    Just to clarify, I'm *NOT* asking to have graphics added or anything at all to be displayed differently.

    I'm talking about the spiked shield and main gauche being *broken*, since they are absoutely supposed to deal damage while equipped in the off hand. I don't want to see them on my character, or have them use attack animations, I just want them to do the damage they are supposed to do.

    If I have a sword dealing six damage in one hand, and a spiked shield doing three damage in the other, I want to be dealing nine damage when I swing.

    Ignore my dual-wield comment above, that has nothing to do with this request, I was just pointing out how I discovered the issue.

  • Marzo Sette Torres Junior

    > I'm talking about the spiked shield and main gauche being *broken*, since
    > they are absoutely supposed to deal damage while equipped in the off hand.
    Wrong on both counts: *nothing* worn in the off-hands cause damage or any other attack effects *at all* in the original games.

  • Lathlas

    Lathlas - 2009-06-04

    I'm not "wrong" on either count. By supposed to, I mean by common sense. I know they don't originally, which is exactly why this is in feature requests and not bug reports.

    However the spiked shield does have weapon tags and damage. Just for no useful reason apparently.