
#1733 SI: Personal bug encounters

Other (429)
Machiel R,

I am summing up the bugs I've found while playing Serpent Isle (and its add-on, The Silver Seed).
You probably want to have separated artifacts for this, but I don't want to clog up the bug list with my stuff. Most is minor and/or might already be fixed.

Well, the game was perfectly finishable and crashed way, WAY less often than The Black Gate. Things I've encountered that could use a fixin':

- NPC's sit in mid-air, not on chairs. This mainly seemed to be the case in bars. (But that's probably because it's really noticeable there.)
- NPC's are spawned inside walls on rare occasions. Example: Flicken spawned inside the stairs next to the gate, and wasn't able to let me into Monitor.
- Monsters are also spawned inside walls. Thankfully, this too is rare.
- The above three might be linked; NPC/monster displacement?

- Piled up bodies were a nuisance to walk over in the original Ultima, but even a single body poses a problem now. I had to drag away a body lots of times, because it was stopping my movement.

- I lost my double axe after training in Monitor with ... a double axe. Seems there's a chance of losing your weapon if you practice with the same type of weapon.

- Ghosts still behave like Chaos Hierophants.
- The pillars inside Serpent Fang still teleport you to the Test of Purity.
- And the spell Fire Snake still does nothing.
- Might be nice to fix these three old bugs. I doubt they were intended by the devs. :)

- None of the chest traps worked during my playthrough. Absolutely none of them.

- Inside the Mountains of Freedom: I attacked the last encountered automaton (which sells potions near the exit) and it called for the guards, who promptly arrived.

- Beatrix leaves a body when slain... every time.

- Cantra's body is left behind after the corn monk leaves. Her body should disappear as well.

- Enemies walk out from the iceblock created by the spell 'Create Ice'.

- Stuff is considered someone's property when it shouldn't be. Example: Looting dead bodies (after Batlin's death) in Moonshade leads to guards being called. (This wasn't the case in the original.)

- After Batlin's death: You can't get away from Gustacio's basement. Melino's body is in the way. (See earlier note about dead bodies.)

- After switching bodies with Petra and switching back again the lightning storms went absolutely nuts. The screen was flashing continuously (like ~5 times a second), making the game unplayable due to high chance of epileptic seizures. Thankfully restarting Exult fixed it.

- After Iolo was reunited with Gwenno he gave her the diamond necklace according to the dialogue... but I didn't have the necklace on me.

- Skullcrusher, troll level, music room: Two instruments are inside a wall.


  • Dominik Reichardt

    I know you mean well and I'm thankfull for reports but I'm going to have to flag this bug report as invalid.
    I know it's a pain to make single bug reports but one huge report of all the bugs is better served on the forum than here.
    A bug tracker is really meant for single bugs (and in our case along with savegames if possible). With more than one bug report discussing back and forth to get to the bottom of one of the bugs will mean wading through discussion of the other bugs.
    So, again, sorry for closing it but in this state it'snot useable on the tracker.

  • Dominik Reichardt

    • status: open --> closed-invalid
  • Machiel R,

    Machiel R, - 2011-02-12

    Sounds logical to me. :) Do you desire me to create separate artifacts or is posting this on the forum okay?

    Or perhaps only some of these bugs are unknown to you? Then I could do more tests and send some specific savegames, in a separate bug report ofcourse.

  • Dominik Reichardt

    Yes, individual bug reports with savegames would be perfect and very welcomed. If you submit a savegame *before* a certain bug happens (for example the cantra body bug needs a save before you resurrect her). Please also list on each report what OS and which Exult version you were using (just copy/paste it into every report - we never know how long it takes until someone looks at the bugs so it helps when this is in every report so devs who didn't read your first bug report still know the answer to this question).
    I'll go through the list so you can see which ones aren't known/addressed yet (my comment will start with a *, if there is a tracker item of this the number will start with a #):

    - NPC's sit in mid-air, not on chairs. This mainly seemed to be the case in bars. (But that's probably because it's really noticeable there.)
    * Did you run with a recent snapshot or with the rc1? I *think* Malignant had taken one some of these sitting issues. It is a known bug for sure. #2719334

    - NPC's are spawned inside walls on rare occasions. Example: Flicken spawned inside the stairs next to the gate, and wasn't able to let me into Monitor.
    - Monsters are also spawned inside walls. Thankfully, this too is rare.
    * I've seen the monsters thing happen. A bug report would be good (I think it is one issue, not perate ones)

    - Piled up bodies were a nuisance to walk over in the original Ultima, but even a single body poses a problem now. I had to drag away a body lots of times, because it was stopping my movement.
    * I've encountered and reported this as well #3127755

    - I lost my double axe after training in Monitor with ... a double axe. Seems there's a chance of losing your weapon if you practice with the same type of weapon.
    * definitely needs a bug report

    - Ghosts still behave like Chaos Hierophants.
    - The pillars inside Serpent Fang still teleport you to the Test of Purity.
    - And the spell Fire Snake still does nothing.
    - Might be nice to fix these three old bugs. I doubt they were intended by the devs. :)
    * you need to use SI fixes mod to get rid of these bugs.

    - None of the chest traps worked during my playthrough. Absolutely none of them.
    * please read it's a bug in the game's mechanics. If you try hard with no armor you should get damaged and even die from the explosions.

    - Inside the Mountains of Freedom: I attacked the last encountered automaton (which sells potions near the exit) and it called for the guards, who promptly arrived.
    * bug report + savegame please

    - Beatrix leaves a body when slain... every time.
    - Cantra's body is left behind after the corn monk leaves. Her body should disappear as well.
    * bug report and savegames, please. Sounds like one issue but if you could add savegames for both of these issues... :)

    - Enemies walk out from the iceblock created by the spell 'Create Ice'.
    * bug report + savegame

    - Stuff is considered someone's property when it shouldn't be. Example: Looting dead bodies (after Batlin's death) in Moonshade leads to guards being called. (This wasn't the case in the original.)
    * bug report + savegame

    - After switching bodies with Petra and switching back again the lightning storms went absolutely nuts. The screen was flashing continuously (like ~5 times a second), making the game unplayable due to high chance of epileptic seizures. Thankfully restarting Exult fixed it.
    * sounds interesting, a bug report + savegame *before* the body switching would be more than welcome. Also list your graphics settings for this one

    - After Iolo was reunited with Gwenno he gave her the diamond necklace according to the dialogue... but I didn't have the necklace on me.
    * bug report + savegame

    - Skullcrusher, troll level, music room: Two instruments are inside a wall.
    * bug report + savegame

    That's quite a lot. Thanks!!!!

  • Machiel R,

    Machiel R, - 2011-02-19

    I've added separate reports now after doing some more testing.

    The disappearing axe one: I trained myself silly, but it didn't happen again. This one is undoubtly very rare.
    The iceblock one: It's too rare. I cast it over and over again and it nearly never happens. I consider myself too quick to have judged this 'bug'. Probably something to do with timing? :S Like casting the cube when the target is just about to move to another spot.

  • Dominik Reichardt

    thanks for the hard work. This is something we can work with now.
    Some bugs like the one with the axe or the iceblocks are harder to catch at times, but thanks for trying to reproduce it again.