
#3 Ho no!! :( Fail to rebuild a iso. (linux binary compiled from source)

v1.0 (example)

Well I get source and compiled it. Run executable from linux debian and I try to rebuild few isos, used -r flag instead, but unfortunately the isos rebuild fail and fail other checks of integrity bt xextool or abgx (it says "unable to extract resource from default.xex or invalid archive")
So I lose all default.xex signature, resulting is backup-rebuild image!!!

This is no good right??.

So my question now, is possible to recover default.xex signature bits losed during rebuild process?

And a side note, extract process from a abgx validated isos image working well.

Thank you for any reply in advance, goodbye.


  • Babilozzo

    Babilozzo - 2014-02-23

    I try to explain better, lol.
    First I do rebuild command in kterm on isos folder with wildcard *
    for ex. "extract-xiso -r *.iso" (this thing corrupt default.xex).
    And save extracted folder in another drive using command :
    "extract-xiso nameofbackup.iso -d /path/of/other/drive/nameofbackup/
    And check default.xex whit command :
    "xextool -l /path/of/other/drive/nameofbackup/default.xex"
    >XexTool v6.3 - xorloser 2006-2011 (Build Fri Oct 14 16:31:54 2011)
    >Reading and parsing input xex file...
    >Error reading xex file /path/of/other/drive/nameofbackup/default.xex

    If I try to do the same rebuild command and xextool check then with full name of the backup file .old extension
    for ex. "extract-xiso -r nameofbackup.iso.old so is the same thing.

    And now try to direct extract nameofbackup.iso.old.old in another path for ex.:
    "extract-xiso nameofbackup.iso.old.old" this work fine and xextool grab data from defaukt.xex !! loool :D

    Now I work for compare two default.xex (good and bad) with an exadecimal editor to find any bytes messed'up I hope to find any light :) ...


    Last edit: Babilozzo 2014-02-23
  • Babilozzo

    Babilozzo - 2014-02-24

    I look this files today , used cmp -l command and result print all bytes different. in hex editor binary data show like this..
    for genuine default.xex:
    00000000 58 45 58 32 00 00 00 01 00 00 40 00 00 00 00 00 XEX2......@.....
    00000010 00 00 00 A8 00 00 00 12 00 00 02 FF 00 00 23 8C ..............#.
    00000020 00 00 03 FF 00 00 23 A0 00 00 43 04 00 00 23 C0 ......#...C...#.
    00000030 00 01 01 00 82 38 DF A0 00 01 02 01 82 00 00 00 .....8..........
    00000040 00 01 03 FF 00 00 37 00 00 01 80 02 00 00 23 D0 ......7.......#.
    00000050 00 01 83 FF 00 00 23 D8 00 02 00 FF 00 00 23 E8 ......#.......#.

    TWEAK 3.01: GOOD (Ovrwrt) posn=0x0 size=0x1494000
    opened GOOD/default.xex (size 21577728 == 0x1494000).

    For bad default.xex:

    00000000 62 20 21 F0 8C 7E 03 CD 22 A6 0E D8 91 1D ED 24 b !..~.."......$
    00000010 9E B8 48 53 66 99 95 43 B0 DF 97 4A 9B 31 30 50 ..HSf..C...J.10P
    00000020 E6 73 9D 33 E9 0E 86 6B D3 2E 72 02 B4 DD EE 44 .s.3...k..r....D
    00000030 BC 3F 9B 76 AA DD 3C 73 AB 5F 1E E5 FD 21 D9 C7 .?.v..<s._...!..
    00000040 09 A4 B0 17 1E 10 AC 5A 96 F0 1D 39 7E EE 50 7E .......Z...9~.P~
    00000050 E9 7A 93 91 1C 7F 05 72 3D BB C6 D0 51 E6 23 DD .z.....r=...Q.#.

    TWEAK 3.01: BAD/default (Ovrwrt) posn=0x0 size=0x1494000
    opened BAD/default.xex (size 21577728 == 0x1494000).

    Same in size but all wrong. And so I test other files in iso extracted folder (good and bad diff), everything is different, same size but content is different . Ho no!

    Beware of use extract-xiso -r flag will result damaged all files repacked in iso


    Last edit: Babilozzo 2014-02-24

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