
Ext2Fsd 0.31 is released!


Release Notes:

Release Notes for Ext2Fsd V0.31

Modifications from V0.30

Bugs Fixed:

1, Wrong ERESOURCE referenced in Ext2DeleteFile
2, Stale path name referenced for directory notification
3, Codepage names inconsistent between Ext2Fsd and Ext2Mgr

Features Newly Implemented:

1, Vista supported

Tasks to do next step:

1, Improvement for the programs, Help documents
2, Vista/Longhorn support
3, Performance issues MUST be solved
4, Possibe LVM support, ext3 journal

1, NT4 system is no longer supported.

Ext2fsd v0.30/0.31 is much stable for normal works, with writing access enabled. I
use it on my own computer all along. The performance comes to be an issue when
there's heavy I/O operations. That's the thing to do next step.

If you really need very heave writing i/O jobs, I strongly recommend you to
create an ext2 partition as a swap between windows and linux systems.

Notes: I release it just for file system driver development. The driver may
crash your system and ruin your data. You should use it with care and use it
at your own risk!

Matt <>

Posted by Matt Wu 2006-11-06

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