
EverCrack- (GPL) Cryptanalysis Engine / News: Recent posts

EverCrack v1.2.5 Released!!!

New integrated design banishes un-essential code to
reveal a new matrix of optimization. The speed of the
kernel is quickly reaching its critical threshold - the point
at which the confines of the design will no longer allow
further optimization. This will be the milestone in which
EverCrack inevitably moves onward towards the more
complex cipher classes. I have included 7 sample
ciphers (up to 500 words) and a couple that demonstrate
its ability to handle many ASCII characters (a previous
limit since it used to generate word lists based on the
cipher word - which could not include certain characters).... read more

Posted by Cory Michael McKenna 2005-06-30

EverCrack Faster Than Ever!!!

The toughest problem, speed-wise, is dealing with ciphers [usually short ones] that have very low redundancy.
The newest release of EverCrack breaks that barrier. A traditional message "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" is ultra-low in redundancy [all 26 letters used in a 35 letter phrase] used to take over 4 hours before this modification... now it is miliseconds!!!
EverCrack's Kernel is soon becoming the fastest
cracker on the planet!!!

Posted by Cory Michael McKenna 2005-06-28

EverCrack Port to Linux in the Works!!!

Peyush Marwaha has joined the EverCrack Development as the Cross-Platform Developer for making EverCrack run on Linux!
However, estimation for the arrival of first version is currently not available.

Posted by Cory Michael McKenna 2005-06-24

EverCrack v1.2.2 Released!

EverCrack is an Open Source Crypto-Analytic Engine.
Its long term design is geared towards cracking increasingly complex ciphers which it breaks down layer by layer from complex to simplex form.
Currently the kernel is nearly finished [which cracks the most simple uni-lateral, mono-alphabetic ciphers in less than a second].
I have recently added the capability to crack zigzag route tranposition ciphers. Currently it also cracks:
-unilateral mono-alphabetic substitution ciphers
-multilateral mono-alphabetic substition ciphers
-simple matrix/columnar transposition ciphers
-simple zigzag route transposition ciphers... read more

Posted by Cory Michael McKenna 2005-06-22

EverCrack Development

I recently added the ability for EverCrack to
crack simple columnar transposition ciphers
[including ciphers without spacing or with block
formatted ciphertext - accomplished by recusively
scanning the ciphertext].
A [near] complete listing of the development
progress and goals are listed on my webpage:

Posted by Cory Michael McKenna 2005-06-20