
Question regarding esniper ouput

  • upD8R

    upD8R - 2007-09-30

    Hi there,

    this is a short snippet of my last esniper action (I changed non-relevant parts):

    Auction 123456789: Bidding...
    Auction 123456789: Waiting 10 seconds for auction to complete...

    Auction 123456789: Post-bid info:
    Auction 123456789: blablablub
    Auction 123456789: Unknown time interval "Refresh"

    unknown outcome, assume that you have won 1 items

    Why does esniper think that it's an "unknown outcome"? I won the auction and it sill "assumes" that I won? It doesn't sound very confident ;-)

    What happens if I have a group and esniper is unsure whether I won or not?

    It seems I need some help in interpreting those log messages. Thanks!

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2007-09-30

      The message means exactly what it says.  eBay returned a page that esniper doesn't know how to handle, so esniper doesn't know what the page means.  esniper tries to make conservative assumptions, so it assumes you won that auction.  If you are bidding on a group, you've won one.

      In the next release I'll make sure bug reports happen for all unexpected output, so that esniper will save a copy of the offending page and you'll be able to file a bug report and attach the page that caused the problem.

      • upD8R

        upD8R - 2007-10-01

        Thanks for the information. IAm I the only one experiencing this? I just started with esniper a couple of days ago and I won two auctions, both with the same output.

        I'm curious what might be wrong ...

        Anything I could do right now?

        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2007-10-01

          I've had one other report of this, and probably many others have seen it but not reported.

          I have added code to esniper so that it will place a copy of the offending web page on your disk.  You can then file a bug report and attach the page.  This update will be in the next release, which should be out within the next day.


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