
#572 error as bid about to be attempted

v1.0 (example)

Auction 160672694457: Shimano 105 double STI 9 speed levers
Time remaining: 15 mins 49 secs (949 seconds)
End time: 03/11/2011 14:29:54
Currently: 32.00 (your maximum bid: 57.07)
# of bids: 7
High bidder: g***t (NOT linuxufo)
Latency: 1 seconds
Thu Nov 3 14:14:06 2011: Sleeping for 5 minutes 27 seconds

Auction 160672694457: Shimano 105 double STI 9 speed levers
Time remaining: -- (0 seconds)
Currently: 44.67 (your maximum bid: 57.07)
# of bids: 13
High bidder: o***d (NOT linuxufo)
Latency: 1 seconds

esniper encountered a bug. Please go to:
paste this into "Detailed Description":
Automated esniper bug report.
esniper version 2.26.0
libcurl/7.19.7 OpenSSL/0.9.8k zlib/ libidn/1.15
Error encountered in function preBid in auction.c line 341
auction = 160672694457, price = 57.07, remain = 0
latency = 1, result = -1, error = 11
buf = 0x9c51c40, size = 74878, read = 0x9c51c40
time = 1320330957, offset = 0
pagename = "Shimano 105 double STI 9 speed levers | eBay", pageid = "(null)", srcid = "(null)"
specified options or config values:
2 x username(u) = ***
2 x seconds(s) = 20
1 x (P) = ***
1 x (c) = "bfile"
1 x (f) = "bfile"
2 x historyHost() = ""
2 x prebidHost() = ""
2 x bidHost() = ""
2 x loginHost() = ""
2 x myeBayHost() = ""
cannot find bid uiid
then upload and attach esniper.25969.1.bug.html and click submit.
Cannot get bid key
Auction 160672694457: Bid uiid not found


  • Bodo

    Bodo - 2011-11-07
    • labels: --> changes at ebay need fix
    • status: open --> pending
  • Bodo

    Bodo - 2011-11-07

    Please attach the file esniper.25969.1.bug.html. Without this file I cannot do anything.

  • Michael S.

    Michael S. - 2019-03-15
    • status: pending --> closed-out-of-date
    • Group: --> v1.0 (example)

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