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File Date Author Commit
 IntelMICApps 2017-01-04 Silverio Vasquez Silverio Vasquez [722b16] Updated Copyright to 2017.
 MixedModelApps 2017-01-04 Silverio Vasquez Silverio Vasquez [722b16] Updated Copyright to 2017.
 OpenACCApps 2017-01-04 Silverio Vasquez Silverio Vasquez [722b16] Updated Copyright to 2017.
 OpenCL_Info 2017-01-04 Silverio Vasquez Silverio Vasquez [722b16] Updated Copyright to 2017.
 OpenCL_SimpleApp 2017-01-04 Silverio Vasquez Silverio Vasquez [722b16] Updated Copyright to 2017.
 .gitignore 2014-03-27 Jayesh Krishna Jayesh Krishna [adc922] Adding git ignore file
 AUTHORS 2014-03-21 jayeshkrishna jayeshkrishna [ef9a2c] Initial commit: Adding ESMF prototype applicati...
 COPYING 2014-03-21 jayeshkrishna jayeshkrishna [ef9a2c] Initial commit: Adding ESMF prototype applicati...
 ChangeLog 2014-03-21 jayeshkrishna jayeshkrishna [ef9a2c] Initial commit: Adding ESMF prototype applicati...
 INSTALL 2014-03-27 Jayesh Krishna Jayesh Krishna [892abc] Adding OpenACC applications. Two applications a... 2014-04-24 Jayesh Krishna Jayesh Krishna [606151] Adding an ESMF app that uses OpenCL to acclerat...
 NEWS 2014-03-21 jayeshkrishna jayeshkrishna [ef9a2c] Initial commit: Adding ESMF prototype applicati...
 README 2014-11-13 jayeshkrishna jayeshkrishna [26363f] Fixing minor typo errors in README text 2014-04-24 Jayesh Krishna Jayesh Krishna [606151] Adding an ESMF app that uses OpenCL to acclerat...

Read Me

 This document contains information on how to build, install and run
the tests included in this package.

 To build the examples you need the following installed in your 

* A C++ compiler that can build OpenCL programs and a fortran 90 
compiler that can build OpenACC programs. We recommend using PGI 
compilers (Refer to the PGI website for information on the version
of compilers that support OpenACC).
  If you use a compiler that does not recognize OpenACC 
(like GNU compilers for which support for OpenACC is under 
development), applications that use OpenACC will not be built.
  If you plan to build Intel MIC applications you need the Intel
Fortran compiler that supports the Intel MIC compiler directives
(Refer the Intel website for information on support for Intel
MIC pragmas)
  Refer to the "Configure (Advanced)" section for more information
on how to use different (PGI and Intel) compilers to build the
different sets (OpenCL, OpenACC, Intel MIC) of applications.

* An MPI library (Use mpic++ and mpif90 to build the applications) 
built with the above compilers 

* An OpenCL SDK

* ESMF Library built using the compilers mentioned above. If you
want to build the suite using different compilers (different
compilers to build the different applications within the suite)
you need to build the ESMF library separately for each compiler.
Refer to "Configure (Advanced)" for some more information.

* Users can also choose to use custom Makefiles that include the
ESMF template makefiles ( to build the prototype applications
instead of the familiar configure/make/make install method. See
the section "Building Using Makefiles" below for more details.

 Run autoreconf to generate (or update) configuration files

bash:> autoreconf -fi

 Set the CXX environment variable to point to mpic++ and the FC 
environment variable to point to the mpif90 compiler wrappers. 
Specify the path to OpenCL library using the "--with-opencl" option 
and the path to ESMF library using the "--with-esmf" option. Add 
paths to the ESMF dependent libraries to the LDFLAGS and add the 
dependent libraries to the LIBS environment variable.

setenv CXX mpic++
setenv FC mpif90


./configure --prefix=/home/jayeshkrishna/espc/examples/install 
 --disable-shared --with-opencl=<OPENCL_INSTALL_DIR> 
 --with-esmf=<ESMF_INSTALL_DIR> |& tee configure.log

 If you need to test ESMF Accelerator support (in an ESMF development
branch), pass "--enable-esmf-acc-support" to the configure script.

./configure --prefix=/home/jayeshkrishna/espc/examples/install 
 --disable-shared --with-opencl=<OPENCL_INSTALL_DIR> 
 --enable-esmf-acc-support |& tee configure.log

Configure (Advanced)
 The application suite consists of three different sets of

* OpenCL applications
* OpenACC applications
* Intel MIC applications

 You can configure the suite to use a different compiler for each
set of the above applications.

CXX, FC => Is the default compilers used to build all applications.
          This is also the set of compilers used to build OpenCL
          applications. Use CXXFLAGS, FCFLAGS to set compiler
          flags and LIBS to specify the libraries for linking.

OPENACC_FC => If set, is the compiler used to built all OpenACC
              applications. Use OPENACC_FCFLAGS to set the
              compiler flags and OPENACC_FCLIBS to specify
              the libraries (dependencies) for linking with
              the applications.

INTEL_MIC_FC => If set, is the compiler used to build all
                Intel MIC applications. Use INTEL_MIC_FCFLAGS to
                set the compilers flags and INTEL_MIC_FCLIBS to
                specify the libraries to link with the applications.

  Note that if OPENACC_FC (or INTEL_MIC_FC) is set FCFLAGS and LIBS
environment variables are no longer used for building OpenACC (or 
Intel MIC) applications. As mentioned above use the corresponding
environment variables to specify the compiler flags and link libs.

Build and Install
bash:> make |& tee make.log
bash:> make install |& tee install.log

Building using Makefiles
 The user can choose to build each application using a custom Makefile
instead of the familiar configure/make/make install method. If the user
chooses to do so, the user needs to use the Makefile.esmf* makefiles
included in the source to build the applications. For example, to build
Application 1 (opencl_info) the user needs to explicitly invoke make
with the Makefile.esmf makefile included with the source,

 make -f Makefile.esmf

 To use these makefiles the user needs to set the ESMFMKFILE environment
variable to point to the template makefile installed with ESMF 


 To build OpenCL applications the user also needs to set the path to
the OpenCL installation using the OPENCL_INSTALL_PATH environment


 The tests included in the suite are,

* Application 1
	This OpenCL (non-MPI) application provides information about the 
    accelerator devices attached to the system.
	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 
	Run the application as follows,


* Application 2
	This ESMF application contains three components,
	** An MPI non-accelerated component
	** An MPI accelerated component (The fortran stub of this component
     calls an OpenCL C library routine to offload and execute a kernel
     on a compute device)
	** A Coupler

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_OpenCL_simple_comp

* Application 3
  This OpenACC (non-MPI) application provides information about the 
    accelerator devices attached to the system.
  After the suite is installed, the application is available as 
  Run the application as follows,


* Application 4
	This ESMF application contains three components,
	** An MPI non-accelerated component
	** A component that uses OpenACC to accelerate some part of the code.
	** A Coupler

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_OpenACC_simple_app

* Application 5
	This ESMF application contains three components,
	** An MPI non-accelerated component
	** A component that uses OpenACC to accelerate some part of the code.
      This component toggles (at runtime) between running the accelerated 
      part of code on the host and the accelerator.
	** A Coupler

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_OpenACC_toggle_app

* Application 6
  This application (Intel-only)  provides information about the 
    accelerator devices attached to the system.
  After the suite is installed, the application is available as 
  Run the application as follows,


* Application 7
	This ESMF application contains three components,
	** An MPI non-accelerated component
	** A component that uses Intel MIC compiler directives to
      accelerate part of the code. This component explicitly
      offloads part of the computation to MICs attached to
      the system
	** A Coupler

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_IntelMIC_expoff_app

* Application 8
	This ESMF application contains three components,
	** A component that uses OpenCL to accelerate part of the code
      execution. The fortran stub of this component calls an 
      OpenCL C library routine to offload and execute a kernel
      on a compute device.
	** A component that uses OpenACC compiler directives to
      accelerate part of the code. 
	** A Coupler

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_OpenACC_OpenCL_mixed_app

* Application 9
	This ESMF application contains three components,
	** A component that uses OpenCL to accelerate part of the code
      execution. The fortran stub of this component calls an 
      OpenCL C library routine to offload and execute a kernel
      on a compute device.
	** A component that uses Intel MIC compiler directives to
      accelerate part of the code. This component explicitly
      offloads part of the computation to MICs attached to
      the system
	** A Coupler

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_OpenCL_IntelMIC_mixed_app

* Application 10
	This ESMF application contains two components,
	** An MPI non-accelerated component
	** An MPI accelerated component (The fortran stub of this component
     calls an OpenCL C library routine to offload and execute a kernel
     on a compute device)
	** A Coupler

  This application uses the newly added ESMF_VMGet(...,
  accDeviceCount=numAccDevices,...) interface to query the number
  of accelerator devices. All the devices attached to a node are
  allocated to the lowest ranked MPI process running on the node.

  Pass "--enable-esmf-acc-support" to the configure script to
  build this application (This application will not be built by

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_acc_support_OpenCL_app

* Application 11
	This ESMF application contains two components,
	** An MPI non-accelerated component
	** An MPI accelerated component (That uses OpenACC to
     offload execution to accelerator devices)
	** A Coupler

  This application uses the newly added ESMF_VMGet(...,
  accDeviceCount=numAccDevices,...) interface to query the number
  of accelerator devices. All the devices attached to a node are
  allocated to the lowest ranked MPI process running on the node.

  Pass "--enable-esmf-acc-support" to the configure script to
  build this application (This application will not be built by

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_acc_support_OpenACC_app

* Application 12
	This ESMF application contains two components,
	** An MPI non-accelerated component
	** An MPI accelerated component (That uses Intel MIC
     to offload execution to accelerator devices)
	** A Coupler

  This application uses the newly added ESMF_VMGet(...,
  accDeviceCount=numAccDevices,...) interface to query the number
  of accelerator devices. All the devices attached to a node are
  allocated to the lowest ranked MPI process running on the node.

  Pass "--enable-esmf-acc-support" to the configure script to
  build this application (This application will not be built by

	After the suite is installed, the application is available as 

	Run the application using mpiexec as follows,

		mpiexec -n 2 ./ESMF_acc_support_IntelMIC_app