
EsiQuery now submitted to Open Source.

For those of you who have been waiting for the Object Query Language package add-on to the
EsiObjects project, it is now on

OQL is an object oriented, SQL like query language for object-oriented databases based on the Object Database Management Group (ODMG) standard. The EsiQuery system is a partial implementation of the OQL language specification. It is implemented as an EsiObjects application and will access any collection of EsiObjects objects that support a polymorphic iterator interface.

EsiQuery consists of the following features:
1. Implementation of the open Object Query Language ODMG standard.
2. Based on the SQL 93 standard.
3. OQL is a functional language and permits access to EsiObjects interface services.
4. Provides recursive execution of nested expressions, specifically the Select From Where clause.
5. Implemented as an EsiObjects application.
6. It will access any collection of EsiObjects objects that support a polymorphic iterator interface.
7. Management functions are provided via a Java based Graphical User Interface.
8. Provided with a Getting Started Guide that teaches the programmer how to use the system via a series of coding examples that accesses a system via EsiObjects wrappers.

Please read the ReadMe.txt file carefully as a starting point. Also, a new forum has been added to the EsiObjects project called Object Query Language. If you use the EsiQuery package, you should monitor that forum to insure receipt of discussion messages.

Posted by Terry L. Wiechmann 2004-03-16

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