
Eesti Rocket Multiplayer / News: Recent posts

Eesti Rocket Multiplayer 0.6.1a released!

Not yet 0.6.2, but better then 0.6.1. See change log for details.
I wish I had more time to develop this project further. For the time being I have other commitments.

Download from here:

Posted by Andrei Zavidei 2006-10-01

Eesti Rocket Multiplayer 0.6.2 coming soon!

- Fixed nasty bug with disconnects on slower machines and menu option -> Connect to server (prompt) should also be working correctly. [though there are some cases where disconnects can happen, but for another reason]
- New game type: RAM GAME where only one player has weapons, the others don't and their objective is to reach that player and suicide to get him down
- many minor improvements

Posted by Andrei Zavidei 2006-09-14

Eesti Rocket Multiplayer 0.6.1 released!

Some new features and improvements. Much better than previous release.

Download release from:

Posted by Andrei Zavidei 2006-09-09

Eesti Rocket Multiplayer 0.6.0 released!

The game is still raw in many aspects, but already playable. Have fun.

Download release from:

Posted by Andrei Zavidei 2006-09-02