
#79 Bad cardinality recognized when imports tables from database


I'm using ORM (JPA) to define a model in my application and ERMaster to display it at a graphical form. A process I'm usually doing is:

1) I make some change of the application model
2) I upload changed model into application database (PostgreSQL server 8.4)
3) at Eclipse I use ERMaster import function to display the model the graphic way

but after I use step 3 of the process, the following two bugs raising:

1) previously imported ER diagram is not cleared before import the updated one so the two ER diagrams overlays each other. Of course the old one can be cleared right before import by pressing CTRL+A and DELETE keys but it is not user friendly and definitely annoying. Is it possible to set this up somwere? I cannot find that option.
2) the second bug related to import tables from database is more important. If I define relation for example @OneToOne(optional=false) using ORM - One To One relation ship with cardinality 1..1, 0..1 - after I import tables from database into ERMaster that relation is displayed as default One To Many with default cardinality (1..1, 1..n) so the ER diagram cannot be used to verify ORM syntax.

Please fix this bug as soon as possible because it is the serious one for ER modeling plugin.

Best Regards

Jiri Cejka


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