
Status reports for the week of: 9/26 - 10/2

Chris Henesy:
-Began work on Admin Util rewrite
-Wrote Eridu Coding Standards Doc
-Helped with new GAL UI implementation

Scott Bradshaw:
-Admin menu supports multiple information stores
-GAL implemented in mySQL
-Addrbook inplemented in mySQL
-Admin menu adds user to Default GAL
-Address book is now fully working. (Implemented Modify function).
-Rewrote Reply code in email. (If message body was too big, it coulnd't be passed through the URL).
-Integrated Email with Address book (You can add recipeints to your default address book)

James McKernan:
- Started actual implementation of GUTS
- Created UITree class and got it to display email folders.

Jeff Coyle:
-Started implementing GAL UI, Got it almost complete except a few bits of Javascript.
-got rid of the old GAL UI info that was irrelevant to the multiple state design.

Jason Eshraghi:
-Continued work on Online help system. It is mostly complete.
-Minor edits to a few of the eridu/ui/lib files
-Continued to work on adding Javadoc tags to classes

Matt Roberts:
- Worked on the tasklist. No backend support yet, strictly UI. Worked on list viewing, no tools for editing yet.

Marc Berhault:
(no report)

Posted by Chris A. Henesy 2000-10-05

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