
#4 Java RTK doesn't use XML NS properly

Major Enhancement

As reported by vhokstad:

I noticed a potential problem in the Java RTK: The
fromXML() code for
the various objects assume that the namespace prefix is
a specific
string, such as "domain:" for the domain mapping. There
is as far as I
can see absolutely no guarantee that is the case in the
EPP drafts,
and indeed this would be completely contrary to how XML
Namespaces is
meant to work. The only safe way of ensuring you have a
node of a
specific namespace is to compare the result of
getNamespaceURI() with
the namespaceURI of the node you are looking for.

This may work with current servers, but you have
absolutely no
guarantee that it will stay that way, as servers can
legally send
you whatever it wants to before the ":" as long as a
xmlns:whatever="...whatever URI..." is present to map
the prefix
to a valid XML namespace.


Perhaps this should also be applied to the generation
of XML because we are doing manual "domain:" prefixing
there as well


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