

Tom Elliott

The Stoa Consortium has assisted the EpiDoc Community in a number of ways since its earliest days in the late 1990s. One of the most important aspects of this on-going collaboration is a listserv — called “markup” — that is used by the community to discuss questions of content, method, development and practice.

All levels of questions and discussion are welcome in this congenial, supportive atmosphere where matters both practical and theoretical are addressed by a collegial body of students, scholars, and enthusiasts from around the world. This list is also the focal point for all announcements of new and updated EpiDoc tools, projects, and documentation.

All interested parties are invited to join the Markup List by visiting the Markup List Archive Page. The archives can also be browsed anonymously.


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  • Luca Guariento

    Luca Guariento - 2024-06-14

    Last edit: Luca Guariento 2024-06-14
  • Luca Guariento

    Luca Guariento - 2024-06-14

    Apologes, this should have gone to the list. Please delete.


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