
#83 Examples of apparatus on translation in Guidelines


It would be useful to add to the Guidelines an example of apparatus criticus being offered to the translation division. (Probably using div[@type='apparatus'][@subtype='translation'] or similar?)

(As per discussion on Markup in September 2014.)


  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2014-12-18

    Pietro will approach the South Arabian Inscription folks to solicit examples.

  • BODARD Gabriel

    BODARD Gabriel - 2014-12-18
    • assigned_to: Pietro Maria Liuzzo
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo

    • status: unread --> accepted
  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo

    The following are the examples and I think they could be added to the guidelines.

    DASI project considers as apparatus:

    1) notes that provide alternative translations, like []

        <div type="translation xml:id="CSAI_415">
            <lb n="1"/>Ṣbḥhmw son of ʿms²fq, of the family Rs²wn, 
                        <lb n="2"/>the one from Nashq, dedicated to ʾlmqh master of 
                        <lb n="3"/>Myfʿm the inscription and its support (?), all 
                        <lb n="4"/>his sons and all his properties in Nashqum and in its 
                        <lb n="5"/>territory, when he fought with Sabaʾ and Rkbn 
                        <lb n="6"/>on an expedition (?) and overcame the army of Maʿīn in the lower 
                        <lb n="7"/>part of ʾtmy; and when he fought with his tribe 
                        <lb n="8"/>Rkbn with the army of Sabaʾ into the land of 
                        <lb n="9"/>Ḥaḍramawt and they destroyed three [... ...] 
        <div type="apparatus" subtype="translation" corresp="#CSAI_415>
                    <app loc="3">
                        <note>hwṯb-hw: alternative translation "and set it".</note>
                    <app loc="5, 8">
                        <note>rkbn: "soldats montés" (Robin).</note>

    2) notes that discuss the meaning of a lexical item or a sentence

        <div type="translation xml:id="CSAI_415">
            <lb n="13"/>and when he traded and led a caravan to Dedan and Gaza 
                        <lb n="14"/>and the towns of Judah; and when he was safe 
                        <lb n="15"/>and sound, he who went from Gaza to Kition, during the war 
                        <lb n="16"/>between Chaldea and Ionia; and when Ydʿʾl Byn 
                        <lb n="17"/>son of Yṯʿʾmr king of Sabaʾ appointed him and sent 
                        <lb n="18"/>him as a messenger to the land of Ḏkrm and 
                        <lb n="19"/>Lḥyn and ʾbʾs¹ and Ḥnk in those fourteen 
                        <lb n="20"/>expeditions (?) and he accomplished all with which 
                        <lb n="21"/>Ydʿʾl had charged him as a messenger and for which he had appointed him.
        <div type="apparatus" subtype="translation" corresp="#CSAI_415>
                    <app loc="19-20">
                        <note>ḥnk ʾlhn ʾrbʿ ʿs²r-hw ʾrglm: Bron translates "et il consacra au dieu quatorze fantassins", suggesting a parallel with the Heb. ḤNK "to consecrate". However, the verb in Heb. is used for the consecration of a temple to the god. Robin interprets the word a name of place and ʾlhn as a previously unattested form of the pronoun ʾln.</note>

    3) notes that report partial translations provided by the editors []

        <div type="translation xml:id="CSAI_1268">
                        <lb n="1"/>qnt wkrm ḏ-Ḥrnm ḏ-yts¹yn W—
                        <lb n="2"/>hbṯwn ḏ-Nḍḥm l-ʾlkrb ḏ-Qs²bn—
                        <lb n="3"/>bn wkr b-ʿm-hw l-ḏ-Grfm w-k—
                        <lb n="4"/>wn ḏn ʾs¹ynn l-wrḫ ḏ-Ks²bm 
                        <lb n="5"/>ḏ-ḫrf ʾbkrb bn Ḥyw bn Ḥ—
                        <lb n="6"/>zfrm Whbṯwn w Mfḍg                     
        <div type="apparatus" subtype="translation" corresp="#CSAI_1268>
                    <app loc="1-3">Ein qnt(=Maßeinheit) Sorghum (nach dem Maß) des (Tempels) Ḥrnm, welches Whbṯwn aus (der Sippe) Nḍḥm dem ʾlkrb aus (der Sippe) Qs²bn garantiert, von dem Sorghum, welches bei ihm (=zu seinen Lasten) ist zugunsten der (Sippe) ḏ-Grfm" (Stein).</note>

    When different complete translations are available, we insert distinct ones.

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo

    Pietro to add it to the guidelines and point to this from the translation page and back.

  • Pietro Maria Liuzzo

    • status: accepted --> done
  • Tom Elliott

    Tom Elliott - 2015-05-01
    • Group: future --> previous

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