
Profitability vs Sales Driven Stock Replenishment Strategy

Hi Everyone,

It has been a while since I last wrote. I hope this email finds you well.
Some businesses replenish their stock based on sales, whichever best selling
items should be replenished first, some businesses focus on profitability,
some use both profitability and stock turn over. Which ever strategy you
choose to use, we believe that you know your business best.

To new users, you could click on MANAGER -> SALES RELATED REPORT -> STOCK
SALES REPORT BY ITEM CODE. In this report, we group your sales by
categories, and show the sales quantity and amount for a specific period,
the gross profit generated based on the sales, as well as the stock balance.

Wavelet produces the reports, you call the shot on what stock to replenish.
Happy buying and selling....

Best regards,

Posted by Jamie_wavelet 2007-12-10

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