
#385 Finding the right key broke some months ago


In fall 2014, Enigmail stopped to find the right key for me after I updated my computer. I installed Thunderbird from summer 2014 now, blocking automatic updates, and it works again with the newest version of Enigmail. Thus, it seems that one of the updates of Thunderbird disabled Enigmail for me.


  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Can you explain what you mean with "stopped to find the right key"? What happened in which situations? If we need to fix something then we would need to know how to reproduce the error.

  • Emerson Veenstra

    I have this same problem in Thunderbird 31.4 and both 1.7.2 and the latest nightly (2015-01-23). If I view a signed e-mail that I don't have a key for, clicking Details > Import Public Key > Import > Okay (or Import Public Key > Okay in nightly) brings up the progress bar, but it never finds the key. I've let it sit for 10 minutes without any progress. Also, searching for keys in the Key Management panel has the same results.

    I've tried all three keyservers provided. Also, quickly glancing at Wireshark, it doesn't seem to be making any requests to the keyservers at all.

    Hope this helps.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    • Severity: Blocker --> Major
  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Emerson: I made some recent changes with this. Can you please retry with the latest nightly builds and if it still happens attach a debug log file? (menu Enigmail > Debugging Options > View Log)

  • Emerson Veenstra

    It turns out the permissions on my .gnupg/ folder were set too permissively (775). Once I set them to 755, it works in both the nightly and in 1.7.2.
    The changes you just made do work better because the key retrival fails right away instead of hanging if you have this problem

    • Matthias

      Matthias - 2015-01-27

      I can not confirm this; my permissions were set to drwx------ and I
      changed them to drwxr-xr-x. Thunderbird from the Ubuntu sources still
      cannot find the key. I'll try the nightly build, though it could take
      some time; I hope to be able to do it this weekend.

      A few days ago I tried to pin down the exact Thunderbird version which
      disabled key finding for me; after I installed the newest version
      locally, I couldn't find the key even with an old version of Thunderbird
      which used to work immediately before. Puzzling.

      On 27.01.2015 17:16, Emerson Veenstra wrote:

      It turns out the permissions on my .gnupg/ folder were set too
      permissively (775). Once I set them to 755, it works in both the
      nightly and in 1.7.2.
      The changes you just made do work better because the key retrival
      fails right away instead of hanging if you have this problem

      [bugs:#385] Finding the
      right key broke some months ago

      Status: open
      Created: Sun Jan 11, 2015 02:51 PM UTC by Matthias
      Last Updated: Tue Jan 27, 2015 12:08 PM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      In fall 2014, Enigmail stopped to find the right key for me after I
      updated my computer. I installed Thunderbird from summer 2014 now,
      blocking automatic updates, and it works again with the newest version
      of Enigmail. Thus, it seems that one of the updates of Thunderbird
      disabled Enigmail for me.

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  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Matthias: I said to please try the nightly builds (i.e. the current development) - we did not release any new version in the past months. Thus, as long as you stick to the release version I'm not surprised that you won't see any change ...

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    • status: open --> wont-fix
  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Works for me; no feedback from reporter(s)


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