
#140 Attempts to send signed messages with attachments fail in 1.5.1

Mike Auty

For a little while (since using Thunderbird 17), I found that sending signed messages which had attachments would sometimes fail with a "Sending aborted/An unknown error has occurred" message. Occasionally I could save the failed message to draft, reopen that and send it. Sometimes resending the draft would only work after restarting Thunderbird. I don't know what's changed, but I'm now finding that sending signed attachments fails all the time, and that the workaround I found doesn't solve the problem, I only mentioned them in case it provides some insight as to what's causing the problem.

I've created the debugging output (attached) and all I can see is that gnupg seems to return an error code of -2 (despite apparently successfully signing the attachment). There's also mention of statusFlags = 40000000, and I found code within enigmailCommon.jsm's encryptMessageEnd function that handles such statusFlags and unusual error codes, but that doesn't seem to get called for attachments. I couldn't figure out how to check whether that was the problem though.

I'm happy to run tests that might help and provide any further information I can, please just let me know...

1 Attachments


  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer


    it's not gnupg that issues "-2" as error. Copying of enigerr.txt fails because it has a double slash in the path (/home/mike/.local/log//enigout.txt/enigerr.txt).

    Will analyse the rest, too :-)

  • Mike Auty

    Mike Auty - 2013-04-28

    Thanks, I'd dug out the gnupg source code to see if I could find it, but it makes more sense that it's related to the line above! That was an easy one to fix (just removed the trailing slash I put on the log dir), but it didn't seem to change the -2. Enigerr.txt contained the lines quotes further down (including USERID_HINT up to and including SIG_CREATED), but enigout.txt was empty.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Forget about enigout and other files. The only relevant file is enigdbug.txt, which contains all information I need.

    I believe that this could be a race condition, i.e. some asynchronous tasks are not performed in the correct sequence. Do you have a particularly fast or slow PC?

  • Ludwig Hügelschäfer

    Patrick, I could reproduce this issue once yesterday evening but not any more today, so your suspicion is very reasonable.

  • Mike Auty

    Mike Auty - 2013-04-29

    One of my machines is very fast (i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz) and that one always seems to suffer the problem. The other is quite fast (i5-2520 CPU @ 2.50GHz), which often experiences the problem, but occasionally would work after retrying a few times afterwards and/or after saving to draft and then attempting to send.

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    This confirms my suspicion - I just have to be creative in order to
    simulate a fast machine on a slower one ;-)

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    Could you please install the latest version of Enigmail from the nightly downloads page ( I don't expect that the bug will have gone, but I improved some of the logging, so I'd be interested in the enigdbug.txt file.

  • Mike Auty

    Mike Auty - 2013-05-01

    Ok, first off I tried building it from source as I had with my 1.5.1 build (Gentoo does it for me, so I just have to swap out a tar.gz for one I made from git), but unfortunately that didn't build in parallel. Seemed to be a .h file wasn't being created from a .idl early enough for a .cpp and .h file to make use of it. I eventually got it built with MAKEOPTS="-j1". I'll attach the build logs in the next comment, just let me know if you'd like me to file it as a separate bug.

    Before I got it built from source, I wiped out the previously built 1.5.1 extension from my extensions directory, and installed the xpi from the website. I don't see any of the additional debugging statements, although instead of "expected type int, got (void 0)", I now get "error: wrote -1 instead of 1 bytes". After I built from source, I got the same output (which is what I attached).

    I also noticed with the nightly build that if I started thunderbird and didn't give it time to check mail, etc, but just started composing and sent a file with a signed attachment, the script took a very, very long time to complete (showing the thunderbird "this script is taking too long dialog"), but seemed to succeed eventually and send off the message. I don't know if that's relevant or not, but I've only seen it with the nightly so figured I'd mention it.

  • Mike Auty

    Mike Auty - 2013-05-01

    Parallel build failure gzipped log

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    OK, at least the log now states clearly that writing data to the launched process did not succeed.

    I won't investigate the Gentoo build error, as I didn't create the package. I have no clue what Gentoo changed and what they might have forgotten, and I don't have a Gentoo environment to investigate this either. If you want to build Enigmail and have my support, then follow the build instructions on

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    I uploaded a new version of Enigmail with some more debugging info and some potential fix as well. Could I ask you to try this one?

  • Mike Auty

    Mike Auty - 2013-05-01

    Fair enough, I just thought you might like to know that since 1.5.1, and the changes which went into the idl build makefiles, it seems there's a problem building in parallel. Since 1.5.1 built fine and git built with MAKEOPTS="-j1", I doubt it's a Gentoo issue, but I'll stick to the topic of this bug from now on.

    I installed the updated xpi from the nightly page and have attached the output. The error appears to be 32 (EPIPE).

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    I think I found (and fixed) the bug. The problem was the following: regardless of whether gpg-agent is used, Enigmail writes at least a "\n" character to stdin when signing an attachment. However, on fast systems, GnuPG can potentially already have signed the attachment at this point because the passphrase comes from gpg-agent, i.e. gpg is not guaranteed to run at the moment of writing to stdin.

    I have now changed the logic such that nothing is written to stdin if gpg-agent is used. A new build is available from

  • Patrick Brunschwig

    • status: open --> fixed
    • Fixed in version: --- --> 1.5.2
  • Mike Auty

    Mike Auty - 2013-05-19

    Thanks, I haven't seen a reoccurance of the problem since the nightly build.


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