
Linux OS used to create & test Enfor...

  • jyteh

    jyteh - 2011-05-10

    Hi there,

    I am a the same post graduate research student using Enforcer for attempting to create a rootkit detection Linux Filesystem who posted the " Kernel Panic When Booting compiled Enforcer" problem earlier.

    Can I pls be informed of what Linux distribution and configurations (gcc, make etc) was originally and successfully used to set up and test  the Enforcer (versions alpha & beta)?

    I'd like to try try to obtain the same Linux OS as was used to test and create the Enforcer-maybe the kernel panic problem was due to using a different Linux distribution.



  • Omen Wild

    Omen Wild - 2011-05-11

    I was developing under Debian/unstable in the spring of 2004, but there were some packages that were cutting edge at the time..  I believe sarge (3.1) released on 6 June 2005 would work well.  You might also try etch (4.0) released 8 April 2007.  All of my development was i386 (32 bit) single processor.  You can download sarge from or etch from .

  • Omen Wild

    Omen Wild - 2011-05-11

    Also, the newest version of the kernel that I developed patches for was 2.6.5.  As you discovered it would be quite a bit of work to fix it for newer version.

  • jyteh

    jyteh - 2011-05-12

    Dear Omen,

    Thank you very much for  your reply and links on where to find the old debian distros - I am downloading now.  Yes, I can see

    that tons of work is required for 2.6.5 from 2.6.0. I've experimented with both versions and can see the quanta of work

    involved and the time spent.

    The Enforcer is an essential,indispensable tool for my research work and I must say that, with more enhancements , it has the

    potential to be developed to a full-fledged rootkit detection product.

    I am planning to dig deeper into the Enforcer codes. Hence, would it be possible if you provide some info on what
    one has to learn / skills possessed -on the Debian or Linux , in order to start understanding the architecture, design and

    flow of the sources in Enforcer?

    In short,  what skills one need to posses when one are developing the enforcer tool and where can I find more info on the

    architecture of the enforcer tool?

    I am an intermediate Linux user ( using Linux for 2 yrs) and my skills are:

    1. Basic bash scripting.
    2. Basic Ubuntu/Debian system administration.
    3. compilling kernel in both debian & ubuntu.
    4. Intermediate C programming (equivalent to a fundamental & advanced course in C programming in Bachelor's degree level)
    5. intermediate  knowledge in hypervisors - Qemu & VirtualBox  (2 yrs)

    For your info, my research is at the doctoral level.

    Thanks in advance ,



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