
Welcome to Help: Installation (Linux&Mac)

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Welcome to Help: Installation (Linux&Mac)

    • maaply

      maaply - 2006-06-05

      Hi, I would like to install the encyclopedia on the IPod but I don´t know which files I need to download to run this on Mac OSX. Thanks

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Help!  I cannot download  (Linux&Ux&Mac) Encylopedia.  What is the problem?

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      After about 200 meg or so, my browser(s) start(s) getting slow and the download speed ultimately drops to zip. I tried four times, then ultimately:

      I used iGetter to grab the 1.5G file by copying the direct link on the download page and pasting it into the iGetter bar. The download took about 3 hours on a 512k cable feed, giving a consistent download speed of about 150k/sec.

      Hope this helps.


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