
José Luis (TAS)

  • José Luis - TASAIRES

    Hello I am Spanish and I will use my native language. (This text has been translated with Google Translate)

    This change seems to me bad, in addition after proving NEOemule, emule Xtreme , emule v0.47c (official)

    I am usuary of eMule TK4 Mod long time. In addition I am usuary of a Broad-modem.

    My System is an Sempron 3000+ 1GB Ram - and Windows XP SP2 - ZoneAlarm Security Suite

    I have verified that added NeoMule ISP_T in the version 1.5f of MOD TK4 based on 0.47a, works better than the obfuscation of the version 0.47c, of new MOD TK4 v2.0a, and that in the version of NeoMule with ISP_T
    At the moment I am using the version emulates TK4 v0.47a 1.5f, this it is an extract of the changes that would please me to comment of the Change log of you complete version v 0.47c 2.0a

    CHANGE LOG -> eMule 47c. TK4 Mod 2.0a

    Version 2.0a - Base eMule 47c 3-11-2006

    -> Removed: NeoMule ISP_T

    Version 1.5f - Base eMule 47a 14-08-2006

    -> Altered: Version 1 ISP_Transversal code updated with optimizes and Updates taken from David Xanatos' NeoMule 5.20


    I think that it is version went very well directed with respect to the use I practice of the added ISP_T, and would have to continue being including in future versions, and yes outside possible parallel mind with the obfuscation. But Personally I do not see that the obfuscation works better, but that for me goes worse than the ISP Travesal in its point (emuleTK4 v0.47a Mod 1.5f)

    I hope that you consider me opinion like user. THX ;)

    To thank for the development of this Mod, because she is safest than I have used, with added his of Anti-virus

    • José Luis - TASAIRES

      After proving versions TK4 Mod intensively, (v1.5f emule v0.47a TK4 and emule v0.47c TK4 v2.0a), I have verified the efficiency of of completes version, and I have changed my opinion with respect to the change of the Cross-sectional IP, by the Obfuscation of this completes.

      I congratulate to the lost author by not having what it really does to is so special Mod. The Security (first of all).

      And for me it continues being fastest, than I have used, although that also depends on those of me configuration.

      Thank You ;)


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