
#145 Unnatural Selection: landscape choice

Bob Chamot

Ug R SUG: since the next level is at night, why not use the sunset landscape for this level?
TOFIX: change the level mml to use a sunset landscape image


  • Don Merlin

    Don Merlin - 2007-02-15
    • status: open --> closed-rejected
  • Don Merlin

    Don Merlin - 2007-02-15

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    it's daytime in that map. the point is that you spent a lot of time in the raptor area, and it's dusk when you exit.

  • Bob Chamot

    Bob Chamot - 2007-02-16

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Ah, I see. In that case, I'd like to revise the suggestion: use lua to change the landscape from daytime to sunset when the player falls onto polygon 165 or 166. That's when the player falls into the caves, and s/he won't surface until doing the lava platform puzzle, the cave maze, and facing various waves of dinosaurs. The player next sees the sky when jumping off of polygon 212, so this is a 'safe' time to change the landscape. The player would then see the sunset for a minute before entering the future pod and going to the next, nighttime level.

    Since this requires more work than just swapping in a different image, consider this a feature request for 3.1.

  • Bob Chamot

    Bob Chamot - 2007-02-16
    • priority: 5 --> 2
    • status: closed-rejected --> open-remind
  • Don Merlin

    Don Merlin - 2007-02-23
    • priority: 2 --> 1
  • Don Merlin

    Don Merlin - 2007-02-23

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: NO

    after re-reading your comment, i don't see that this will ever get done. There is no lua command for changing the landscape on the fly. i'm dropping the priority down to 1, and will probably close with a rejection eventually.

  • Bob Chamot

    Bob Chamot - 2007-02-24

    Logged In: YES
    Originator: YES

    Silly me, I should have thought of this before. We already have 2 landscape images in every texture set, so that we can use the space landscape whenever we want. Since we don't use the space landscape in this level, we can swap in the sunset landscape in mml, and then use that for the ceiling of the last area. This way, we don't even need to use lua, or visual mode.


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