
Emergenices Personnel Information System / News: Recent posts

problems with new php

Apologies for the lack of empris updates lately. IT seems that empris is not working with the most recent versions of PHP, hence the demo on the home page (which runs on the sourceforge server) is not working either.

I intend to fix this as soon as I am able. This post is just to let everyone know that I am aware of the problem and to prevent you from spending too much time trying to get the existing empris tarball to work with PHP 4.3+. (However, if you want to submit a patch I'd be happy to receive it! :)... read more

Posted by Adam Thomas 2003-10-28

Empris + PEAR

The latest verion of Empris includes the necessary PEAR libraries in the tarball for all you folks using older versions of PHP this should make things run a bit smoother.

Posted by Adam Thomas 2001-10-05

Empris ISO beta testers!

The Empris project is looking for beta testers.
Empris is a platform & DB-independent method for receiving job or volunteer application online and subsequently evaluating and managing them. Developed by Oxfam Australia for the Humanitarian Relief Register: Please stop by, try the demo and download the source.

-Adam Thomas

Posted by Adam Thomas 2001-08-10