
Emotion Engine 0.1 Released

Emotion Engine is an 3d game engine based on plib of the 3d graphics, lua for the scripting engine and xml for the world files. Originally the engines intent was to demo and create a tutorial on how to use plib for new game developers. This idea still stands but has now grown to a 3d Engine.

Currently the engine is very new and there are some design changes that have to be comepleted. This Engine is ment to help people get started and experiment. New developers are more then welcome, working together we can learn Engine development. This is an engine ment for making mistakes, experimenting with ideas and most importantly learning and helping others.

So far we have:
keyboard inputs
mouse inputs - The mouse follows nicely if you hold your mouse down, but the camera does move unless the button is held down.
camera class - Handles all your camera movements.
level loader - xml file loader. Needs cleaning up, still mostly in c
sprite class - basic, loads the model, and can run a script.
worls class - contains a link list of sprites so they can be updated.

Thats about it, I will be writing some docs sometime in the future. I am new to c++ and plib, so I am not very good at it yet.. Oh, I almost forgot, I also don't really understand the math. So if it works great, if it doesn't then you can keep the peices.

Later Ben

Posted by Ben Woodhead 2002-08-28

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