


1.Install the war file
a. Deploy the EMLInbox.war file in your application server.
b. Follow the normal deployment steps for your application server. If you are using WebSphere, then you much make sure that you change the Context Root to /EMLInbox. Weblogic and Tomcat should default to that Context Root.
c. Start application

2.Set Security
a. Access url: http://server\[:port]/EMLInbox/admin/security.jsp
b. Select desired security model and click Update
c. Stop and then restart the EMLInbox application in your application server.
d. If you selected SOME security, go into your application server and create a role called "EMLAdmin". Then add users to that role.
e. If you selected FULL security, go into your application server and create two roles: "EMLUser" and "EMLAdmin". Then for every user that will be access the application, add them to the "EMLUser" role. Plus for those users that will also be accessing the administration screens, add them also to the "EMLAdmin" role.

3.Configure Application
a. Access url: http://server\[:port]/EMLInbox
b. Log in if prompted
c. This will display a message that the system is not configured. Click on the Configuration button.
d. If you want you can change the title that will be display when the application is accessed. This is helpful if you have a Prod, Test, Dev, etc instances.
e. Enter the path to where the EML files are stored.
f. When done, click save.

4.Testing Installation
a. If you are still on the configuration screen, click Exit. Otherwise access url: http://server\[:port]/EMLInbox
b. You should see a list of all EML files in that folder (assuming you have EML files in that folder). If not, then go back into the configuration screen and correct the path.



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