Mike Leahey - 2003-06-11

Okie dokie, played with it for a bit today and I've come up with a few simple ideas that stay in line with what we have right now. There are a few holes that will need to be filled but that shouldn't be any major issue.

Firs of all, the stats of a Mana Stone:

Focus - This is the amount of mana the stone can normally focus. It works the same way as a persons focus skill. A stone can be used to draw more mana then this value which then causes 'wounds' to the mana stone.

Ebb - This is how hard it is to draw mana using the stone.

Stability - How resiliant the stone is to breakage.

Recharge - How many points of 'wounds' can be removed from the stone every day.

Capacity - This is a stat I think we should use with all items. It represents just how much an idem can be enchanted safely.

Ok, now that we have those values down heres the actions you can take with it:

Draw Mana
[Draw Mana Skill + Focus Stat - Stones Ebb - Amount to Draw - Amount to draw over focus]
Note that you are penalized twice for any points drawn that go over the focus of the stone.

Draw 'Wound'
[Draw Mana - Points to Draw - Points to Draw over recharge stat]
Note that you are penalized twice for any points you attempt to draw that go over the recharge of the stone.

Damaging the Stone
If any more then the stones focus level is drawn from the stone then the stone will take wounds similar to what a spell caster takes when casting spells (I don't have a chart made for it yet, but it wound be sub-divided based on elements and that would help decide the effects).

When you damage the stone you make a roll of [Stones Stability Stat - Points drawn over Focus]. On a failure by 5 consult a chart of perminant effects (that is the stone gains some kind of perminant effect), a failure by 10 or more reseults in the stone shattering. Additionally as per the Wounds chart the stone may pain penalties to this roll as well as additional side effects (using fire mana may cause the stone to become very hot while the wound remains for example).

Removing 'Wounds'
I figure the best way to handle removing 'wounds' (need a better word then wounds) is to have someone with the draw mana drain the levels out of the stone into themselves where they are treated as spellshock. It should be a very delicate operations which may cause the player to draw out more then they intended.

Okie, I think that should get the idea of what i'm thinking across, there aren't any actually values there to charge players, but it's a start on how to build them.