
EME extensible medical environment / News: Recent posts

features in lib dcmdir

This library access DICOMDIR files, is currently work in progress.

Posted by Marco Gonnelli 2002-07-24

features in lib ET1

This lib contains basic tools:
zoom by integer
range selection: becouse dcm images are often represented with more than 8 bit per sample (10 12 or 16) but tcl allows only 8 bits depth it's necessary to extract only meaningfull informations from images. With this tool user specifies contrast and brighteness and a 8bit image is synthesized starting from the "double depth image" obtained with an ENHANCED read.

Posted by Marco Gonnelli 2002-07-24

features available in lib img

img is a modified version of img1.2 tcl package.
It allows acces to dcm images in two ways
images are treated as tk photo images, their content is represented as rgb with 8 per channel, exciding informations are discarded
images are split in two (MOST and LEAST significative) each dcm sample takes two tcl samples,
extra data, i.e. other dcm tags are stored in a list.

Posted by Marco Gonnelli 2002-07-24