
#100 rapid feed override


One of the only features EMC is missing when compared to standard industrial controls is a Rapid Feedrate override. The idea would be to slow just the G0 moves for proofing out programs while leaving regular feedrates unchanged. Typically machines will have a number of options like 100% 50% 25% and then one that is very slow. 5% or so.

It would be nice to be able to change these feeds independent of the programmed g1, g2 and g3 feedrates so you would not change the parts finish.



  • Justin Popov

    Justin Popov - 2011-11-14
    • priority: 5 --> 1
  • Chris Radek

    Chris Radek - 2011-11-14

    The existing "maximum velocity" feature is very useful for proofing programs. Aside from the on-screen slider and keyboard shortcuts, it can be controlled via wheel through halui, and can be changed to any value down to zero, anytime during or between moves. I find this very powerful and use it extensively for unproven programs on my machine that has very fast rapids.

  • Justin Popov

    Justin Popov - 2011-11-17

    The maximum velocity function does look promising....

    Is there any way that the maximum velocity could be set up to only change G0 movements? I occasionally run in to a situations where I would actually like the rapid moves to be slower than the feedrate of the G1,G2,G3 moves.

    Additionally, it seems like modifying the both rapid and cutting feedrates could also cause trouble on a lathe when feedrate is programed in inches per revolution. What would happen if maximum velocity was less than the speed a machine would have to be traveling at to maintain the programmed feedrate/ rpm? Something would have to give.

  • Sebastian Kuzminsky

    • status: open --> closed-fixed
    • Group: -->
  • Sebastian Kuzminsky

    This feature is present in 2.6 and newer, in the form of a "Rapid Override" slider in the Axis GUI.