
Any windows players with no delay?

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    I'm watching the streaming video with Quicktime, and there is a 3-4 second delay on the images.  Does anyone know of any windows platform players that would not have this delay problem?


    • larry liang

      larry liang - 2004-05-17

      I have searched such player for a long time, unfortunately, it seems that there is no player which can play the videostream from 313L other than QuickTime. So I have decided to ask somebody ( a guy in Chendu, west of China)to write a player with shorter delay. the primary work has finished, the player is supplied as a package, in this package, and Active X component and a demo player is included.  At this time the player seems work well with the old Elphelstreamer, and the replay frame rate is fairly low ( only 5 fps at 1280by1024),  but the delay is really short, about 0.5sec, it's enough for focusing. I have not pay all money to this guy, so at this time I just have a trial version.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      You can try use mplayer (precompiled binary in chapter streamers.
      This version support directx and gl2 video outut

    • larry liang

      larry liang - 2004-05-17

      I have download and install the Mplayer for win32 in my windows 2K platform. there is a MPLauncher window, I can use such window to play the recorded *.mov files, but how to play the video stream from 313L, in the other word, how to play the videostream from an address  such as rtsp://192.168...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Which streamer are you use?

    • larry liang

      larry liang - 2004-05-17
    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Try it
      This version compiled with LIVE.COM library(version on SF without this library)
      But not tested.
      mplayer rtps://192.168...
      mplayer elphel://... with streamer by landy

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanks! I will try it!

    • larry liang

      larry liang - 2004-05-20

      After two days fighting, Now I can play the video stream by cygmplayer ( with Landy 1.1 streamer).
      The landd's streamer seem's have a lot of function and choice. but now, I just use the simplest command as following:
      ElphStreamer -f30

      • Andrey Filippov

        Andrey Filippov - 2004-05-20

        Dear Larry,

        Please be aware that cygmplayer is far from being a real substitute for mplayer running under GNU/Linux. I was able to run it too but noticed the following problems:
        - slower than mplayer+gnu/linux;
        - when working with the streamer by landy player was rendering corrupted frames if it could not keep the rate of incoming stream. Top portion of the frame was OK, but the bottom could be rendered only when the stream was slower than the player;
        - when working with the rtsp streamer it behaved differently - with too fast incoming stream it was lagging more and more behind...
        Mplayer under GNU/Linux was just skipping the frames (not truncating them or lagging behind) if the stream was too fast. And it happened at higher resolution/frame rate than with cygmplayer.

    • larry liang

      larry liang - 2004-05-20

      I don't know the default address means what. the camera's addr. is and the PC's addr. is

    • Andrey Filippov

      Andrey Filippov - 2004-05-20

      Dear Larry,
      please read the ElphelStrm.txt file in the landy streamer distribution. It explains how to use this class of IP addresses needed for mulicasting.

    • larry liang

      larry liang - 2004-05-20

      Yes, I have notice the problem in cygmpllayer. and I will read the txt file more carefully to find more information.

    • larry liang

      larry liang - 2004-05-20

      In fact I have spent a lot of time to find why there are some many  corrupted frames in video stream. and when I decrease the frame rate of streamer, the bad frame vanished.

    • Latin Andy

      Latin Andy - 2004-05-20

      mplayer elphel://... - is initial version, frames not buffered and received from network by query of mplayer(time between queries 1/fps). And if mplayer work on slow videosystem time of display may be greather as 1/fps. In mplayer,for example, with LIVE.COM library are grows queue frames for display.In this we must drop frames(too late for display).
      Better are if -fps on mplayer greather as -f on the streamer(I think). On slow system you can resize wideowindow (make less).
      And more - size of sended picture must be 50-80 Kbyte(decrease quality or size of picture)

    • Latin Andy

      Latin Andy - 2004-05-20

      You can use in mplayer LIVE.COM library for ElphStreamer by landy in mplayer  too!

      mplayer sdp://session.sdp -fps 30

      where session.sdp is(for example):
      o=- 1085066399196581 1085066399196593 IN IP4
      s=Elphel camera 313
      m=video 20000 RTP/AVP 26
      c=IN IP4
      But you not have crypting and subtitles ...

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Another question,

      For the old version Streamer, the MultiCast is the default mode, and such mode seems not supported by most of router in Internet, therefore Only the PC in the same LAN with the camera have the access to the live video.  but for the landy's new version, the unicast mode is provided, Does it means now the live video over Internet is much easier?. I mean if I use a platform of ADSL modem+Router to dial into the Internet, and got a IP addr. for example,, and in the router, some parameter is configured to make the camera  can be reached other people throught Internet, that means If the type into the in theire browser, then can see the control window of the camera.  After all these done. If somebody in other city or country  input the to the addr. text box in index1.html( of course after the enable of web control of streamer). and he or she can get the live video by the help of the MPlayer or cygmplayer?

    • Latin Andy

      Latin Andy - 2004-05-21

      For unicast it must working.
      If you want use multicast - you can use of:
      1.  routers with support translating multicast. You can test yours routers with ping
          All routers with this options must answer to you. After you can configure both routers and use multicast  over internet. Usualy used addresses from to with ttl<255 for global translation
        2. You can use tunneling on routers(from local network multicast packets tonneling into ip and on other node  from ip to multicast , and packets  put into other local network)
        3. You can use mrouted daemon on hosts(you can search it on Google). Two local network can  send multicast over Internet from one to other

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      thanks! I will try all your advise.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Two points:

      1) I don't know if there is some reason vlc is not a suitable player for this, but it has become very nice these days, supports rtsp with the liveMedia libs too and even has a native winblows port that is not all alpha code mudged up under cygwin.  Also, it gives me almost no delay with rtsp, whereas mplayer gives me some.

      2) FYI... For private use, the class D is to the milticasting address space what the usual reserved nets are to the unicasting address space.

      -- Kyle

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      I have tried using VLC to play some recorded video from 313 camera(about 2 monthes ago), it didn't work.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      VLC IMHO cann't play RTP stream with JPEG payload.


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