This has been brought up before via e-mail, but I thought I would mention it again here and find some general thoughts/ideas.

Currently, every eledge course to which one goes  requires logging in again. (ie, if one were to visit 4 differnt eledge courses, even being logged into one would require logging in 3 more times). This can be annoying, to say the least.

Furthermore, in many environments, it may be necessary to integrate Eledge with some other system, be it a Course Management System, or a school/campus management system, or something different.  Such other systems will, of course, have a variety of different authentication methodology, ranging from LDAP backed to an in-house solution.

While eledge -is- open source, and -does- allow for any user to modify eledge according to their needs, such modifications can make keeping current with eledge a difficult task.  It also hinders contribution back to the project when modifications made suit only one particular user.

As an example, recently, it has fallen to me where I work to modify the eledge authentication system in such a way as to integrate it with existing components of the institution.  While I did, indeed, do this, and while the changes that I made to existing Eledge servlets were fairly minimal, It still becomes a difficult task to commit relevent code while insuring that "site specific" code be left out. Therefore, I propose that we find some means of facilitating alternative login options.

One possibility might be to provide an authentication inteface, rather than an actual class. Then, in managing a course, an instructor could select either "default" eledge authentication methods, or "custom". In the code, arround the authentication area, there might be something like:

if (authenticationMethod.equals("Custom"))
  //normal eledge authentication procedure

This would allow end users to develop the Authentication interface however they please to suit individual needs, while reducing the need to constantly remove/add code in existing files to keep up with eledge development, etc.
The above is just one idea... any other ideas are, of course, welcome.
