
big problems with Portfolio and manageportfol

  • Pablo Moreno

    Pablo Moreno - 2003-12-07

    Hi All

    I'm Pablo, you helped me with calendar servlet problem,but during the development  I have

    discovered many problems with the portfolio servlet.

    Say I have got 2 registered users in my system "Sudent A (the teacher)" and "Student B".

    The first problem occurs when I upload every kind of files to the database (eg. images to put into
    he portfolio section, artifact etc)...another windows pop up (the Portfolio Manager upload
    windows), i browse my hard disk to upload a files, and it's all ok there (I can see the just
    uploaded file in the list), but when I return in the main windows, i can't see the file in the 
    "select file" menu, until I make a "refresh" of my browser.

    But it would not be a problem if I specify to make a refresh after this is not a
    real problem.

    The real problem comes when Student B log out from the system, and student A want to search for
    the class portfolios to locate for example the portfolio of student B.
    So Student A can see the table in which there are all the links to the portfolios uploaded to the
    class database...but when he clicks on to them (eg. io2,io2 portfoliopage2
    http://localhost/servlet/estarteacher.Portfolio?ID=5&Code=rwuogR8Q\)...He obtains a "Page cannot

    be found error).

    After this, I have another question...

    When another simple student search for the class portfolio, he only can view the visitor one (and
    It also gives a Page not found error), and he can't browse in the other student portfolios.
    According to me this is a lack, because There isn't any "Peer to peer" possibility to share files
    and project in the virtual community. Is there a way to fix this problem?

    Thank you in advance

    • Robert D. Zeigler

      Regarding the "page cannot be found" error... I'm not sure.. I just went back and took another look at the Portfolio servlet (I didn't write it, originally, but I did a lot of debugging on it). I didn't experience a "page cannot be found" error.  If you could... it might be helpful for you to go to ManageCourse, and set the log level to at least "normal" (make sure you also specifiy a valid log file path on your system, where the user tomcat is running as has write permissions), and then e-mail me the output of the log file. You might also try checking the mysql portfolio related tables to make sure that the portfolio was correctly saved.

      Regarding the peer to peer related question... There is a way to make portfolio's, etc. available to other students, although it isn't intuitive.  (I believe, however, that it is explained on the "manage portfolio" page). By default, the portfolio's are assigned a random code. This provides some level of privacy for the information as someone would have to know the code as well as the id to access the portfolio. If you wish the portfolio to be "public", however, you can leave the "code" field blank. If you do this for a given portfolio and "update codes", that portfolio will be searchable/viewable by other students.
      Perhaps a checkbox labelled "Allow other students to search and view this portfolio" or "make this portfolio public" or some such would be good... it only need clear out the code... Anyway.
      Let me know what else you find with the "Page Not Found" error.


    • Robert D. Zeigler

      Oh, yeah, there was also the refresh issue... you're right,
      the newly uploaded files won't show up until you refresh...
      For now, since it's a simple matter to refresh the page, I'm not going to worry about it too much. ;) However, I will think about it... I'm sure we could use javascript to programmatically manipulate the pages to automatically update the select box... perhaps just having it refresh the page automatically or something.... I'll think about it. ;)


    • Pablo Moreno

      Pablo Moreno - 2003-12-11

      these are the errors I have got when I try to browse portfolios from the teacher account...or I try to browse my portfolios from the mine one from the "search" section in portfolio.

      CET 2003:Unitutor:Portfolio:doGet: Caught an exception parsing the integer from 'ID'
      Thu Dec 11 10:22:59 CET 2003:Unitutor:Portfolio:doGet: UserRequest was null.
      Thu Dec 11 10:23:02 CET 2003:Unitutor:Portfolio:doGet: Caught an exception parsing the integer from 'ID'
      2003:Unitutor:Portfolio:doGet: UserRequest was null.

      I have also tried the version 3.1.0, but the problem strill remains. I 've also noticed problems with the file upload in the new version...Teacher can upload what she/he wants, but when students try to upload something, they get errors (In version 3.0.0 upload works great).

      Thanks all

    • Robert D. Zeigler

      What sort of errors are the students getting in version 3.1.0? Version 3.2.0 will be using a vastly revamped upload system, using the's UploadFile utiltity. Tests on my systems show about a 2 fold performance increase. Hopefully, that will solve your issues, as well, since we haven't had any issues with the system for our students.

      It looks like, for whatever reason, the URL/request is malformed. Some things that might help me figure out what's going on... (you can either e-mail them to me, or post them here... you could also e-mail them by way of the eledge-users mailing list.)

      1) the html source of the "search" page (which you're clicking on and not finding the page...)
      2) Iif you're using the 3.1.0 version of eledge (maybe this is available in 3.0.0, I don't remember exactly when I included it ;), change the 52'nd line of The current line is a call to log.paranoid with two parameters, both of the strings
      log.paranoid("some string","some other string");
      change that to
      log.paranoid("some string","some other string",e);
      (note the addition of the third argument, e). This will print a stacktrace to the log file and may provide me with a bit more information.

      Thirdly, and this is your call, if you e-mail a url + valid login so that I can get in, I'd be happy to take a look at it to see if I can figure out what's going on. =)


    • Pablo Moreno

      Pablo Moreno - 2003-12-14

      I'm currently connected to url to the servlet is

      I don't have a static ip 'cause I only own a dialup connection ! So i stay connected as more as possible

      I have emailed you the users and password

      Thanks a lot

    • Pablo Moreno

      Pablo Moreno - 2003-12-15

      Hi Roberts, i think it's impossible to try a connection with a crappy dialup...So i have sent you the log together with the html code at your scazdl email account

      Thank you very much

    • Robert D. Zeigler

      Got them. Thanks. I'll take a look. For one thing, when I took a look at the 3.1.0 version of eledge... it looks like I may be missing a resource key somewhere, which could be part of the problem. Anyway, I'll see what I can figure out.


    • Robert D. Zeigler

      One last question... ;)
      What OS are you running all of this on?


    • Robert D. Zeigler

      Regarding the 3.1.0 file upload...
      Are you referring to report uploading, or to portfolio uploading, or to both?  Thanks.


    • Pablo Moreno

      Pablo Moreno - 2003-12-15

      I run Windows 2000 Professional, I refer to portfolio uploading...but....I HAVE SOLVED MY FIRST PROBLEM!!!!! I have to admit that I am a crap! I hadn't noticed that The links were WITHOUT the port number in the Course.server calls in!

      http://localhost/servlet/ecc ecc


      http://localhost:8080/servlet/ecc ecc!!!

      if you don't specify the port where tomcat runs the links don't work!!

      ehhehe =) Ok, now I still have got the second problem! I can't change the code of portfolios. When I try to do this, clicking onto "Update codes" form Portfolio manager, the page refresh and Put the old code's like a trap!

      I want to make this in order to follow your suggestion and make ALL portfolios available to the students at the Search section of portfolio.

    • Robert D. Zeigler

      Hm. That's using 3.0.0? I tried to update codes in version 3.1.0, and it worked fine.

      Regarding file uploads... I did find a problem, though different from the one you mentioned. The problem I found (and fixed in CVS) is a null pointer exception that occurs when a student goes to view their file uploads but they don't have any. Anyway, when I tested 3.1.0, everything worked well. Then again, I was testing on linux... theoretically, that shouldn't make a difference, but, maybe I'll take some time to set up mysql+tomcat+eledge on my winXP partition to see what I can find.

      Incidentally, any reason why you prefer to stick with version 3.0.0?


    • Pablo Moreno

      Pablo Moreno - 2003-12-18

      The reason is that I have others problems with 3.1.0 (the file upload), on the 3.0.0 file upload works fine. The only one problem that I have still got , is the "MAd refresh" one, when I try to change the portfolio code in order to let all student to view all portfolios, i am unable to do it because when I click onto "Update codes" the page refresh immediately and put the old code again.

      I don't know...but I think it could be a problem with javascript...

      Thanks for finding the time to set up mysql+tomcat+eledge on your windows Xp Box.

      Regarding to the graphical improvement that I'm making...I have simply added a bunch of icon in the nav the lines in which create the tables in the DB of all section.After, I have added a field to the database in order to insert the address to the HTML link of image icons, and a call to this field when the whole navbar is created. So When the application starts it creates ALL menu in the navbar together with the icons.



    • Robert D. Zeigler

      Can you describe in more detail the errors you were getting with file upload in version 3.1.0?? I've been using it for some time without problems...?
      Regarding the update code, it's not a javascript problem. I diid encounter a problem in a test course I ran, I believe it was version 3.0, but I don't remember which one, now. When I tested it on the 3.1.0 version, it worked fine. I'll chceck 3.0.0 again.

      Regarding the commented out lines in some, or much, of those lines have actually been duplicated/replaced elsewhere in the code (eg: ManageCourse). Icons sound interesting. You could also add icons by simply adding in the appropriate html via the ManageCourse interface. =)
      Incidentally, with the newer navbar code in ManageCourse, all of the links are created; it's just that they are "hidden". You can choose to "show" them via the ManageCourse interface. Cheers.



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