
How to add additional cryptography in CA?

  • Alex

    Alex - 2006-08-04

    I at installation ejbca have faced a problem: I need to establish additional cryptography. Prompt, how it is possible to carry out it?

    It is thankful in advance, Alex.

    • Tomas Gustavsson

      What kind of additional cryptography are you talking about?


    • Alex

      Alex - 2006-08-05

      For example, Russian algorithm of enciphering " GOST 28147-89 "?

      • Tomas Gustavsson

        GOST is a symmetric algorithm, EJBCA is a PKI system issuing certificates for assymmetric keys. Where and fr what reason would GOST fit into a PKI?

        EJBCA does not do symmetric encryption, except for some protection of internal objects in the database (PKCS12 files for example).


    • Alex

      Alex - 2006-08-07

      I have understood the mistake. Thanks.
      Gost has named simply for an example. Me the opportunity of use of encryption distinct from built - in more interests. It is possible? If yes, you could not help me an example?

      • Tomas Gustavsson

        I'm sorry but I don't fully understand the question. Can you explain more in detail what you want to encrypt?


    • Alex

      Alex - 2006-08-10

      Well! I for an exchange of e-mail need to create the certificate of the digital signature. But as I from Russia I need to become attached to state standards.

      • Tomas Gustavsson

        Email cryptography is handled by you email program, so as long as RSA is used for digital signatures and key exchange there is nothing to be done in EJBCA.
        If you want to support another algorithm than RSA for assymetric keys, that is possible to, but it requires work.


    • Alex

      Alex - 2006-08-10

      Many thanks for the rendered help!

    • x264NOOB

      x264NOOB - 2006-10-26

      Since you use Bouncy Castle as the crypto provider, does this mean that elliptic curve cyrpto can also be used?

      • Tomas Gustavsson

        Not yet, there is work to do in the CA/key generation parts etc for that.


    • x264NOOB

      x264NOOB - 2006-10-27

      Is there a way I can help move integration of ECC along, either through direct action or sponsorship?

      • Tomas Gustavsson

        Did you receive my email?



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