
Why Email notification cannot be set?

  • daniel zhou

    daniel zhou - 2009-06-23


    15:52:30,734 ERROR [STDERR] org.ejbca.core.model.ra.raadmin.UserDoesntFullfillEndEntityProfile: Email notification cannot be set in current end entity profile.
    15:52:30,734 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.ejbca.core.model.ra.raadmin.EndEntityProfile.doesUserFullfillEndEntityProfileWithoutPassword(
    15:52:30,734 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.LocalUserAdminSessionBean.changeUser(
    15:52:30,734 ERROR [STDERR]     at org.ejbca.core.ejb.ra.LocalUserAdminSessionBean.changeUser(

    Code in " "

    if(getValue(SENDNOTIFICATION,0).equals(FALSE) && sendnotification)
               throw new UserDoesntFullfillEndEntityProfile("Email notification cannot be set in current end entity profile.");

    profile.doesUserFullfillEndEntityProfileWithoutPassword(userdata.getUsername(), dn, altName, userdata.getExtendedinformation().getSubjectDirectoryAttributes(), userdata.getEmail(), userdata.getCertificateProfileId(),

    public void changeUser(Admin admin, UserDataVO userdata, boolean clearpwd)
                throws AuthorizationDeniedException, UserDoesntFullfillEndEntityProfile, ApprovalException, WaitingForApprovalException {
            changeUser(admin, userdata,clearpwd, false);

    Thank you!

    • Tomas Gustavsson

      In your end entity profile you have not checked "use notifications" and you have not configured any notifications.

    • daniel zhou

      daniel zhou - 2009-06-23

      I have find i haven't choose "default" checkbox of "use notifications", if this not choose, when add end entity which "send notification" will not be choose and it is disable to check, too.

      Thx, anatom.


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