
Bugs  Maximize  Restore

Showing 10 results of 10

# Summary Milestone Status Owner Created Updated Priority
14 Error in running MAS None open 2006-10-12 2014-08-22 5  
13 SYYBOLS WITH EMBEDDED CHARACTERS None open 2005-07-01 2005-07-01 5  
11 Looks for non-existant MA_Client file ... None open Jim Cochrane 2004-02-13 2004-02-15 5  
9 Python DeprecationWarning None open 2004-02-01 2004-02-01 5  
8 printed graph cuts of ~2" of right edge None open 2003-12-10 2003-12-10 5  
7 core dump when nonexistent symbol is requested from yahoo None open Jim Cochrane 2003-11-18 2003-11-22 4  
5 fails None open 2002-11-08 2002-11-08 5  
4 compatibility with python 2.x None open 2002-02-21 2002-02-21 5  
3 problem with large reference numbers None open 2000-12-29 2000-12-29 1  
2 hourly data from 30-minute data not working None open Jim Cochrane 2000-12-29 2000-12-29 3  
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