
Eclipse Hex Editor Plugin / News: Recent posts

EHEP 1.0.0 released

EHEP Plugin 1.0.0 released for Eclipse 3.4 ("Ganymede"), 3.5 ("Galileo"), 3.6 ("Helios"), 3.7 ("Indigo") and newer.

New plugin features:
- Major performance improvements;
- New feature "Search & Replace" has been implemented (Feature Requests #1376345 and #1069939);
- Support for huge files has been implemented (Feature Requests #849401 and #1689367);
- Support for character editing has been implemented (Feature Request #849403);
- Support for opening any arbitrary files, not only the ones in the Eclipse projects has been implemented (Feature Request #2150396);... read more

Posted by Randallco 2011-06-25

EHEP license changed

This is to inform that EHEP Team has changed the license from "GNU General Public License" to "GNU General Public License version 3.0 (GPLv3)". Also a new "EHEP Commercial License" is now available upon request. These changes do not have an impact on common plugin usage, which is still an Open Source and free under the terms of GPLv3 license.

Posted by Randallco 2008-11-12

EHEP 0.3.1 released

May-04-2008 - EHEP Version 0.3.1 released

Plugin released for Eclipse 3.2.x and 3.3.x platform

Tested on Windows XP with:
- Eclipse Platform 3.2.2, Build id: M20070212-1330
- Eclipse Platform 3.3.2, Build id: M20080221-1800

NOTE: Please note that EHEP Plugin Release 0.3.1 is not compatible with older Eclipse releases 2.x, 3.0.x and 3.1.x due to changes in Eclipse API. Use EHEP Release 0.3.0 for Eclipse 3.1.x. ... read more

Posted by Randallco 2008-05-04

EHEP 0.3.0 released

Plugin released for Eclipse 3.1.x platform (tested on Win XP with Eclipse Version 3.1.2 platform and SDK).

New plugin features:
- "Find" feature patch integrated - Bug #1442966 (thanks to Uwe Voigt, SF nickname: uwe_ewald);

Bugs fixed:
- #1441527 - Cannot Open a File, Exception;
- #1298832 - Error On Opening Non-Project Files;
- #1471839 - Annoying thing after installation;

Posted by Randallco 2006-04-18

EHEP 0.2.1 released

EHEP Plugin has been released for Eclipse 3.x platform.

New plugin features:
- multiple Undo/Redo functionality has been implemented. It can be invoked either from the plugin context menu, the standard Eclipse "Edit" menu or using the standard shortcut keys CTRL+Z/CTRL+Y;

Bugs fixed:
- #1055664
- #1071851
- #1073264
- #1089538
- #1090143
- #1094247

Home site:

Posted by Randallco 2005-02-05

EHEP 0.2.0 released

EHEP Plugin has been released only for the final Eclipse 3.0.0 platform.

Core plugin changes:
- the plugin was migrated to the final Eclipse 3.0.0 API;
- deprecated methods were replaced by new ones;

New plugin features:
- now the hex table supports individual cell background highlighting;

Bugs fixed:
- #983396

Posted by Randallco 2004-07-10

EHEP 0.1.2 released

Plugin has been released for both Eclipse 2.x and 3.0.

Major changes:
* The plugin was optimized for speed and less memory usage;
* The "Save as..." functionality has been implemented and now it works fine also with linked resources;
* Now the plugin keeps itself associated with all registered file extensions in the "File Associations" list;

Minor changes:
* The file size was added to the plugin status bar;
* The binary format in the status bar is now zero-padded;
* The progress dialog was implemented for the plugin file loader;
* The plugin preference page was moved to Window -> Preferences -> Workbench -> Editors -> Hex Editor;... read more

Posted by Randallco 2004-05-30

EHEP 0.1.0 released

EHEP Version 0.1.0 has been released.

New features:
- popup menu implemented;
- data insertion/deletion implemented;
- 'go to' function implemented;
- status bar implemented;
- some bugs have been fixed;

For more information & screenshots visit the plugin home page at

Posted by Randallco 2004-02-06

EHEP 0.0.4 released

EHEP Version 0.0.4 has been released.

New features:
- preference page implemented (see Window -> Preferences -> Hex editor);
- added font configuration;
- added color configuration;

Posted by Randallco 2003-12-07

EHEP Update Site moved

EHEP Update Site was moved from:

Please update your site bookmarks.

Posted by Randallco 2003-12-05

EHEP 0.0.3 released

EHEP Version 0.0.3 has been released. Two bugs were fixed and some minor enhancements implemented. For more details see release notes or visit the plugin home page at

Posted by Randallco 2003-11-27

EHEP 0.0.2 released

EHEP Version 0.0.2 has been released.

New features:
- file editing functionality implemented;
- various Java-supported encodings added for character view.

For additional info visit

Posted by Randallco 2003-11-21

EHEP Update Site launched

EHEP Update Site has been launched at Please see the Eclipse help for information on installing feature plugins through Eclipse's Update Mechanism. All new releases will be distributed also through this mechanism.

Screenshot - creating EHEP Update Site bookmark in Update perspective:

Posted by Randallco 2003-11-12

EHEP 0.0.1 released

Eclipse Hex Editor Plug-in (simply E.H.E.P. or just EHEP) 0.0.1 has been released. This initial release implements very simple, but working, hex file viewer. The plug-in is by default associated with following file extensions: *.exe, *.com, *.bin and *.class. New and hopefully better release will come very keep checking!

Posted by Randallco 2003-11-11