
Endian Firewall Community 2.5 released!

Endian Firewall Community version 2.5 is now available! This release introduces new features and lots of bugfixes that make EFW 2.5 a significant improvement in the development of the Endian product family.

Community 2.5 release notes:

  • New process management
    The whole process management in the background of the system has been rewritten. With the new Endian Jobsengine the boot procedure now takes only half as long as before.

  • Improved resource management
    Some major changes have been made to various proxy and antivirus settings. This resulted in almost 200 Megabytes of memory being freed in a fully configured system.

  • Bugfixes
    The 2.5 release may seem small when it comes to features. However, huge efforts have been made to create a stable release. On the road to Endian Firewall Community 2.5 many small improvements have been made and hundreds of bugs have been fixed.

  • Trusted timestamping
    Endian Firewall now supports trusted timestamping using OpenTSA. This feature allows you to make sure your log files have not been modified after they have been archived.

Upgrades from Endian Firewall Community 2.4.1 to version 2.5 will be available by the end of January 2012.

Enjoy the new Release
Your Endian Team

Posted by Peter Warasin 2012-01-03

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