
eDreamers / News: Recent posts

This Project has now moved !

Dear all,
eDreamers decided to stop using the SourceForge services for the hosting and management of our open sources solutions. eDreamers developments will now be directly hosted on website and can be found there anytime. We would like to thanks SourceForge and the team behind for making their services available to us and for their efficient support.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2004-09-13

New "Introduction to PHP" Web Presentation

A "Introduction to PHP" Web Presentation is now available on in the Articles section. This presentation is providing an overview of PHP covering all topics needed to get you started not going into too much technical or theoritical discussion but staying at the border of both worlds. Feel free to read and send comments to

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2004-02-12

eDFramework & Cie removed from the "Files" section

We removed many packages from the "Files" section which concretely means that eDFramework, eDExplorer, eDNews, eDAct! and the Images Library are no more available for download. This is to avoid that tools that are too old or not mature enough are being downloaded. In the meantime, the CVS repository will be reintroduced and those tools might be access through it but with a clear "development" flag on them.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2003-10-29

eDContainer v2.20 RC1

The latest version of eDContainer is now available for testing as Release Candidate 1. The ZIP package does not yet contain documentation and you'll see that the v2.1 documentation is not valid anymore due to many core changes. But as the overall results is simplification, you should be able to make your way through. Happy testing

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2003-10-29

eDAct! v1.0 Incoming

eDAct! just dissapeared from the Download section as the v1.0 is being packaged. The first version of the eDreamers activities management tool will be ready in a few weeks now!

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2003-10-02

eDContainer v2.2 Under Development

As the success of eDContainer is growing, the development of v2.2 has been started. The main objective is to simplify the configuration and components in order to prepare the integration of graphical administration screens planned for version 2.5. It will at least the following feature requests #601346, #741663, #765237 and bugs #792445, #794513.
Contact us at if you would like to participate to the development.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2003-08-29

eDContainer v2.1 tar.gz not working

Again the tar.gz archive of eDContainer v2.1 is not functionning properly, even if this time built with CYGWIN, but of course still on Windows :/ ... Waiting for a linux installation to be performed, if anyone has an advice okease write to

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2003-06-16

eDContainer v2.1 Released

The new version of eDContainer is now available introducing a new menu builder component resolving browsers and platform compatibility problems and some adaptations all meant to ease the use of eDContainer.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2003-06-16

TAR.GZ Archive corrupted

Some users reported that the tar.gz archives proposed in the Download page are corrupted. New archives will be released soon, generated with CYGWIN (previously done with PowerArchiver for Windows).

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2003-01-24

A new Team Member

Yan Jianming has joined the team and will be active as a tester. His work will help to increase the quality of the eDreamers developments.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2002-11-13

A new Project Member !

Olivier Varga has joined the eDreamers SourceForge project team. He's an experienced windows developer that now wants to move on to the web technologies, starting with PHP !
He's the first 'to become active' developer on the project after Bertrand Potier.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2002-10-02

eDreamers website 2.0 is online

The latest version of the eDreamers website is now online, with a total new look and some new tools and contents. Subscribe the new eDConnection newsletter to stay informed every month of the latest change in the eDreamers universe.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2002-09-30

eDreamers website 2.0 RC1

The first release candidate for the new version of the eDreamers website is available at
It is an instance of the new eDContainer, the website buider tool that will also be soon made available on the website.
All your comments are suggestions are welcomed.

Posted by Bertrand Potier 2002-03-27