
EdenCRM 0.3 Released

EdenCRM version 0.3 is now available at

EdenCRM is an open source Customer Relationship Management application written in Java which is designed to help customer service representatives manage and respond to customer inqueries.

EdenCRM is designed to be modular, and includes the following modules:

MailModule - IMAP mail viewer
HistoryModule - Customer history tracking
TicketModule - Customer tickets

This version includes the following changes:

Changed license holder. Build files no longer included in distribution. Configuration files parsed by Velocity. Added copyright text to all source code. Upgraded to EdenLib 0.6. Numerous changes in each module. Check the changelog for a complete list of changes.

Please join the EdenCRM user or developer mailing lists to discuss the EdenCRM project.

Posted by Anthony Eden 2001-10-22

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