
Reboot Shutdown error on Ubuntu and Debian

  • Fragadelic

    Fragadelic - 2012-10-26


    I am trying to create a debian wheezy based EDE distro like the Ubuntu 12.04 based one I created.  I am running into a problem again with a message on reboot or shutdown and need some help fixing it.

    Apparently dbus isn't messaging something back to EDE as the message is that it expected a reply size of 1 and got 0.

    It still shuts down fine and reboots fine but that error message makes it look messy.

    Do you have any ideas?

  • Fragadelic

    Fragadelic - 2012-10-26

    I know this message comes from EvokeService.cpp but I can't figure out how to change it so it doesn't show up for Shutdown or Reboot.

    evoke/EvokeService.cpp:         alert(_("Bad reply size. Expected '1' element, but got '%i' instead"), ret.size());

  • Fragadelic

    Fragadelic - 2012-10-26

    For the time being I have commented out the alert call so the message doesn't appear but I would like to know how to fix it rather than disable the message.

  • Sanel Zukan

    Sanel Zukan - 2012-10-27


    Thank you for noting me about this. I'm familiar with this; either I interpreted UPower call wrongly or they've changed something. I created issue at

    What you made is perfectly fine and congratulations for getting it fast :)



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