
FLTK applications for use with EDE

L Michaels
  • L Michaels

    L Michaels - 2014-02-05

    Is anyone concentrating on using FLTK based applications along with EDE? If so, I'd be curious to know what applications others have found useful. Is anyone currently developing applications with FLTK for use with systems using the Equinox Desktop Environment?

    I've been through the FLTK web sites list of applications several times. Many of the links are outdated and many of the programs don't work properly with the 1.3 or 1.3.2 versions. I've attempted to update information at the site in many cases, but have recently hit some snags. Tiny Core Linux uses several interesting FLTK applications. Some of the handheld devices like the Maemo use a lot of FLTK applications. However, they often require extra device-related libraries to get them working. Nanolinux has done an amazing job of finding useful applications built with FLTK. It is almost all FLTK based and has some great FLTK applications included. I've also been working on porting/updating some Open Source FLTK applications to work better with FLTK 1.3.2.

    I'd be curious to know if others are interested in using FLTK applications (over other GUI library based applications) with EDE. Anyone else out there? Am interested in finding other useful Open Source FLTK applications and sharing code/effort on getting more applications that fill various user needs working with FLTK.

  • Sanel Zukan

    Sanel Zukan - 2014-02-05


    Thank you for stopping by :)

    Is anyone concentrating on using FLTK based applications along with
    EDE? If so, I'd be curious to know what applications others have
    found useful. Is anyone currently developing applications with FLTK
    for use with systems using the Equinox Desktop Environment?

    Yes, EDE imported and used a couple of FLTK apps (e.g. flcalc, flwm
    and so on), which over the years got morphed in application on it's
    own. AFAIK, flcalc (or ede-calc) is still kept as is.

    There are also some widgets used here and there (Fl_Seven_Seg) and
    adopted to be part of edelib extension.

    Many of the links are outdated and many of the programs don't work
    properly with the 1.3 or 1.3.2 versions.

    Yup, sadly I'm aware of this. Current EDE and edelib code runs on FLTK
    1.3 and 1.1.x without problems.

    Some of the handheld devices like the Maemo use a lot of FLTK

    Sure? I have Maemo and the only application I was able to find is
    Dillo, which doesn't require any of device specific libraries to get
    working. If you have more infos, I would like to hear for sure.

    I'd be curious to know if others are interested in using FLTK
    applications (over other GUI library based applications) with EDE.

    Of course! On EDE repository there are bunch of other
    (still-in-progress) FLTK powered applications, like file manager,
    login manager and etc. Also, you can use DBus with FLTK; edelib
    already provides nice wrapper around DBus and integrates it in FLTK

    There are a bunch of other goodies out there, like icon theme support,
    ARGB windows, composite manager.... all FLTK powered other EDE devs
    and I did over the years.


  • L Michaels

    L Michaels - 2014-04-25

    Would be very interested to hear what other FLTK (or ultra-lightweight) applications users are finding helpful to use along with EDE.

    As mentioned, NanoLinux has several good applications. There's a list of some of them here: There's also a new version of fldev ( ) IDE environment that's been ported to work with FLTK 1.3.x. Other useful FLTK applications include flxine (including a new fork) - multimedia player, flrec - recorder, flphoto, flimp - graphics editor, fltdj - PIM, tux_todo, fldiff, xdiskusage, alsamixergui, flsynclient, xpp - printing panel, prozgui (download accelerator). Recently, found a password manager program. I've also been doing some work on ApcStudio. NanoLinux will have flmail (e-mail client). I just got postoffice e-mail client to build successfully. Could be a really nice program with some modifications (possibly reusing something like Fl_Highlight_Editor instead of the current editor widget).

    I've been working on porting some of the mentioned applications to 1.3.2 and adding new features as needed. So has Georg (developer of NanoLinux). The EDE project includes several useful FLTK based applications/libraries. Would be nice if there was a way to eliminate some of the redundant porting/updating efforts and combine some of those resources. Would also be nice to find and/or develop more FLTK applications that fill in the remaining gaps for program functionality one commonly finds in a desktop environment.


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