
</textarea> could be a problem

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-07-27

    "</textarea>" tag could be a problem, you might want to use htmlspecialchars in file.php

    when you are editing a HTML file wich contains </TEXTAREA>, the content of the file is not escaped so, as you can easily guess, the editing textarea si closed and the HTML code after the end tag is displayed on the page (and some javascript can be executed too)

    I am just amazed that something like that is possible, nobody never use TEXTAREAS ??

  • frostbitten

    frostbitten - 2010-09-27

    This is definitely a job for htmlentities()!

  • frostbitten

    frostbitten - 2010-09-27

    I use it in my attributes stripper. Very simple code.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" 
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
        <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" />
        <title>Matt's App: Remove all 'X' attributes.</title>
    <p><a href="stripper.php"> Reset all </a></p>
    if(get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $in = array(&$_GET,&$_POST,&$_COOKIE);
        while(list($k,$v) = each($in)) {
            foreach($v as $key=>$val) {
                if(!is_array($val)) $in[$k][$key] = stripslashes($val);
                else $in[] =& $in[$k][$key];
    if(isset($_POST['markup']) and isset($_POST['attributes']))
        $attr = htmlentities($_POST['attributes'])    ;
        $input = htmlentities($_POST['markup']);
    } else {
        $input = "Input markup goes here... Paste it all.";
        $attr = "attributes, comma, deliniated";
    <form action="stripper.php" method="post">
    <textarea name="markup" rows="10" cols="70"><?php echo $input; ?></textarea><br/>
    <input type="text" name="attributes" value="<?php echo $attr; ?>" size="70"/>
    <input type="submit" value="Remove!" /></div>
    if(isset($_POST['markup']) and isset($_POST['attributes']))
        $attr = explode("," , $attr);
        $output = $input;
        foreach ($attr as $value)
            $value = trim($value);
            $output = preg_replace("/ $value=(&quot;(.*?)&quot;)/", "", $output);
        <form action="#">
                <textarea name="output" rows="10" cols="70"> <?php echo $output; ?> </textarea>
    <hr />
        <a href=""><img
            alt="Valid XHTML 1.1" height="31" width="88" /></a>

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