
Eclipse Trader 0.23 Released

This release completes the feature set by adding currencies, alerts and an initial, very basic, trading systems support. Among the other bugfixes this release also fixes the compatibility issues with the jre 1.4 series.

Changes made in this release:

- Added support for currencies
- Added currency support to watchlists and accounts
- Added a simple currency conversion dialog to the currency exchange view
- Added alerts system
- Added events view to show various events (alert signals for example)
- Added settings to update history data and news heads on startup
- Added progress view
- Added initial trading systems implementation
- Added trade system test runner and view
- Fixed jdk 1.4 compatibility issues
- Added drag and drop accounts reordering
- Added accounts group description editing
- Added VFI and VIDYA indicators

Download from:

You can also use the EclipseTrader's Update Manager to update, go to Help -> Software Updates -> Find and Install, select 'Search for updates of the currently installed features' and let the update manager do the work. If the update manager can't find any update try to select 'Valid Updates -> compatible' in the Install/Update preferences page.

To checkout the source from the Subversion repository:
svn co eclipsetrader

Hope you enjoy!

Posted by Marco Maccaferri 2006-05-31

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