João Saraiva - 2005-11-23

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Well, the main reason I picked Eclipse 2.1.3 instead of the
latest Eclipse release at the time (3.0) was OSGi.
Eclipse 3.x is based on the OSGi framework (I think the
migration of Eclipse to be based on OSGi was called Project
Equinox, but don't take my word for it, I could be making a
huge mistake), which would itself be a lot of work to
convert (not to mention the work of converting Eclipse after
OSGi). So I decided to cut my losses and pick a simpler
version of Eclipse; hence, the pick for 2.1.3.

However, if you wish to take a look at OSGi or find it
converted somewhere, I don't see why the latest Eclipse
version shouldn't be targeted for conversion. Most of the
source code would probably have to be scrapped, though, but
such is the price of progress. :P