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  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Welcome to Open Discussion

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      How can I install eclipsedotnetv001???
      There is no doc for it.
      See you

    • João Saraiva

      João Saraiva - 2006-11-22


      There is no doc because installation only requires extracting the contents of the zip file to a directory (and running Launcher.exe ). :)

      BTW, I'm curious as to if there is any particular reason why you chose v001 instead of v003? v001 unfortunately suffered from some very serious bugs, such as not working when run from a directory with spaces in it. v003 is much more stable.
      If you chose v001 because it does not require .NET 2.0 to run, then I should tell you that .NET 2.0 and 1.1 can co-exist on the same machine.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hello, I downloaded and extracted the package, ran 'Launcher.exe', and immediately got a fatal error. 

      EventType : clr20r3     P1 : launcher.exe     P2 :     P3 : 43a2a910
      P4 : mscorlib     P5 :     P6 : 4889dc80     P7 : 343f     P8 : 119
      P9 : 

      Running XP2, SP3, .NET 2.0, sp 2 and .NET 3.0, sp2, and .NET 3.5 sp1 installed.

      What's the directory it's looking for?  (path is: C:\downloads\Software\eclipsedotnetv003\bin)

      • João Saraiva

        João Saraiva - 2008-10-11


        That is very weird. I just downloaded the package and it ran fine.
        Eclipse.NET does not have any external dependencies other than the .NET framework (2.0).

        Are you logged in as an Administrator in the computer where you attempted to run the program? Although that should not be a requirements, Eclipse.NET does need to create files and folders within the folder where it resides (nothing is created, read, or otherwise manipulated in any way outside that folder).
        That is the only reason I can see at the moment to have a "directory not found" error...


      • João Saraiva

        João Saraiva - 2008-10-11

        BTW, if the "administrator thing" didn't solve this: did you specify any options at all in Launcher.exe (if the window even opened)?

        If the window did open and you specified any options, can you try to run the program without specifying any options (by just clicking the "Launch Eclipse.NET" button)?



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