
#22 Call hierarchy across EJB interfaces in Eclipse 3.0

Peik Aschan

It seems that since the Call hierarchy plugin got
integrated into Eclipse 3.0, call hierarchy across EJB
interfaces no longer works.

If I select "Call hierarchy" for a method in an EJB
implementation class, it does not show me which client
classes (using the EJB) call the corresponding method in
the EJB's remote interface.

I'm using Eclipse 3.0.0 and Implementors 0.0.14. I have
made sure that the EJB deployment descriptor settings
are enabled.

Are there any plans to reintroduce this feature?

This feature was there in Eclipse 2.1 using both the Call
hierarchy and Implementors plugins.


  • Jesper Kamstrup Linnet

    • status: open --> pending-later
  • Jesper Kamstrup Linnet

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Peik,

    I have myself been annoyed with this but since the Eclipse
    platform itself is not aware of the Implementors plugin
    (they didn't want it at the time), the integration doesn't
    work as with the Call Hierarchy plugin as a "standalone"

    I would like to reintroduce the feature, but have not yet
    come up with a solution, so for now you will have to make do
    with the EJB functionality in the Implementors plugin alone.


  • Peik Aschan

    Peik Aschan - 2004-10-25

    Logged In: YES

    Hi Jesper, thanks for the swift reply!

    How about releasing a separate Implementors-aware version
    of the Call hierarchy plugin? Is it technically possible to
    override the integrated version? I realize that this would force
    you to maintain two separate version trees, so maybe it's not
    worth the trouble on you part...


  • Peik Aschan

    Peik Aschan - 2004-10-25
    • status: pending-later --> open-later
  • Peik Aschan

    Peik Aschan - 2004-10-25
    • status: open-later --> pending-later
  • Peik Aschan

    Peik Aschan - 2004-10-25
    • status: pending-later --> open-later
  • Jesper Kamstrup Linnet

    Logged In: YES

    Hi again,

    The issue with the Call Hierarchy in Eclipse 3.x is that it
    is not a plugin any longer - it is an integrated part of the
    JDT plugin. Hence, it is not possible to replace it with
    something else. In addition, it has not been added with the
    same level of extensibility as the standalone version, since
    JDT only cares for plain Java.

    As you may have noticed from the release rate of the
    standalone version of the plugin, not much work has taken
    place there; all new development has been on the Eclipse
    source code. With the increasing acceptance of Eclipse 3.x,
    I see less need for the standalone version (apart, of
    course, from the EJB functionality). But since (quite
    selfishly) I no longer work with EJB's myself, I don't feel
    as much urge to put a lot of work into this.

    If you really feel strongly about this, I encourage you to
    give it a shot. I'll gladly release a new version with the
    appropriate thank you's and credits :-)



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