
#7 Existing Comments are removed on save


Existing comments within the property-files were
removed on saving them.
On saving only the changes should be replaced. Also in
respect on cvs-diff/update.
I know, this is contrairy to the reordering/grouping of
the keys.
Probably it would be only possible when grouping is
Probably reordering is disabled for files, which are
not created with this editor or not already ordered. Or
the user is asked if reordering should be activated by
a message box.

Probably someone else has a better idea?


  • Pascal Essiembre

    • priority: 5 --> 3
    • assigned_to: nobody --> essiembre
  • Pascal Essiembre

    Logged In: YES

    I plan on supporting comments in an upcoming release, but I
    cannot say when at the moment. An attempt will probably be
    made to distinguish between "group" comments and line
    comments in a future release. Havind a way to differentiate
    both should eliminate the sorting issue.

  • Pascal Essiembre

    Logged In: YES

    I plan on supporting comments in an upcoming release, but I
    cannot say when at the moment. An attempt will probably be
    made to distinguish between "group" comments and line
    comments in a future release. Havind a way to differentiate
    both should eliminate the sorting issue.

  • Pascal Essiembre

    • priority: 3 --> 5
  • Pascal Essiembre

    Logged In: YES

    A solution has been added to CVS. Will be part of next release.

  • Pascal Essiembre

    Logged In: YES

    Comments will be preserved in the next release. There will
    be no way of add/editing comment other than through the
    source files. If enough people see value in having a
    feature to do so in the graphical page, I may consider it
    for a future release.

  • Pascal Essiembre

    • milestone: --> 450941
  • Pascal Essiembre

    • milestone: 450941 --> Released
    • status: open --> closed
  • Pascal Essiembre

    Logged In: YES

    Implemented in release 0.7.0.


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